How Long Do We Need To Establish A Habit?

How long does it take us to establish a habit?

How can we establish a new habit? How long does it take to set them naturally? And can any behavior at all become a habit? Does it take the same time if we want to establish different habits? In this article, we’ll answer all of your questions about how best to incorporate new habits into your daily life.

Of course, we have to make an effort to establish a habit. We may want to quit smoking, have a more balanced diet, or exercise regularly. But after a few days we may lose motivation and throw in the towel. Well, we need to adapt our bodies and routines to the new behaviors that were previously unknown to us. Therefore, consistency and perseverance are the keys to building new habits. They are our best weapon against the temptation to give up when the going gets tough.

The first step in establishing a habit is to identify what we want to achieve. If it’s something we really want and what motivates us, it’s a lot easier to get started with.

“The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a person’s determination.”

Tommy Lasorda

A frustrated woman is standing with her head leaning against a wall.

How long does it take to establish a habit?

In 1960, plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz claimed that it would take 21 days to establish a new habit. Later research has shown that our neurons cannot fully assimilate new behaviors in this time frame. If we use 21 days as a basis for establishing a new habit, there is a risk that if we fail in that time to block out the temptation to relapse, we will give up.

“Any man could, if he wanted, be the sculptor of his own brain.”

Santiago Ramón y Cajal

In a later study carried out at University College London (England, UK) , researchers found that it took an average of 66 days to develop a new habit and integrate it permanently into our daily lives. The study’s authors also showed that if we don’t follow our habit in a day, it isn’t detrimental to our long-term goals.

In order to form a habit, we need to practice it frequently, especially in the beginning. The time it takes to practice depends on the behavior we want to make a habit of and how familiar we are with the activity. Something completely new and completely different from what we’ve done before will take more time than modifying an existing routine. Something that we already know and that comes easily to us can quickly be incorporated into our routine.

How to keep a good habit

To do this, we need to draw up an action plan and set ourselves short, medium and long-term goals. This is how we avoid quitting at the first opportunity we have. Instead, we are more likely to stick to the habits as we gradually achieve the goals we have set. The schedule should also include the time on the day that we would like to practice the habit. Well-defined and well-organized plans are much easier to follow.

An open appointment calendar lies on a table.

We should also be sure why we want to establish this habit. If we visualize our future after we have reached our final goal or see positive changes in connection with the new habit, we are more likely to stay motivated. Then we will not forget why we originally chose this new path. Keeping these things in mind will make it easier for us to keep the new habit.

Let us not let procrastination conquer us. Let’s not postpone until tomorrow what we can get today. The earlier we start, the faster we will reach our goal. Establishing a habit requires constant discipline and work. We will surely be able to hold onto it when we feel passionate about what we are trying to achieve.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s establish healthier habits today!

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