How To Fill Your Soul When It Is Sad

How to fill your soul when it's sad

He feels sad, alone, discouraged … sometimes things don’t go the way he’d like. There is no progress at work, he is not happy with his partner and sometimes he argues with his parents. He begins to worry that sadness will nestle in his head, like a bird that finds its nest. He doesn’t know how to get rid of this pain that strikes him every day and night.

In times of sadness, he chooses not to leave the house, not to talk to anyone, and the only thing he does is to get lost in his thoughts. And he keeps thinking: “I have to change all of this. I can not go on like that. Yes, life is sad sometimes, but I can’t let grief take control of my life. “

Sometimes you feel a deep sadness …

Sometimes you feel a deep sadness that invades your soul and that is difficult to explain. Maybe it’s because things aren’t going well at your work, with your partner, or with your kids, or worse … there’s a little bit of all of this in your camp of worry.


You just can’t avoid feeling bad, and even though everyone tells you “You have to cheer up” – “You have to go outside”, you can’t and can only think, “Sure, it’s easy to give advice, I wish you would just be in my skin for a while. “

You can’t, you have no urge to do it, you drown yourself in worry, it gets out of hand. So how can you change that if the situation keeps going on like this? Can we really learn to feel better when we are sad? And how do we do that? Perhaps it is easier than you think, or on the contrary, a task that will take you a while to invest time in building new habits.

You can’t avoid the birds of sadness from flying overhead, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair.

Chinese proverb

Filling the soul when it is sad

In the following, we offer you a guide with advice on how to fill your soul when sadness has befallen you. The only real requirement for this is having a desire to feel better about yourself.

  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and distance yourself from those who make you feel bad. The most important thing is you. You know these people who have the ability to comfort you with just a few words, who make you laugh without doing a single thing? Enjoy them and their company. Friends can be the balm that heals your wounds.

“Tell me, friend: is life sad or is it me?”

Amado Nervo

common braid
  • Find the people you really like. Fill your life with things that you really like. Are you a fan of cooking, reading, traveling, dancing? These are great ways to let go of your sadness. When the mind is preoccupied with something else, we forget our worries.
  • Doing sports. It has been proven that exercise leads to the release of endorphins. People who do any type of sport are less likely to be sad.
  • Give in to a whim. A little indulgence can make us feel happier and more satisfied. Eating chocolate or candy, getting a bite to eat, and so on.
  • Get out on the street and have fun. When you’re sad, don’t stay home and worry about your worries; get dressed, make yourself pretty, and take a walk. You will find that you come back in a completely different mood. Sometimes your pajamas are your worst enemy.
  • Don’t ask too much of yourself or others. Learn not to be too demanding. If we have too high expectations of something or someone, then we are easily disappointed.
  • Learn to give up but be happy. Start by understanding that life is not only full of good moments; there are bad ones too, and we mustn’t inflate them unnecessarily. If they happen, forget about them and keep going.
  • Try to change what you can and don’t like about your life. When something is in your hand, be brave and change it. Are you unhappy with your partner? Don’t you like your job Try to disconnect from the things you don’t like and start over.
  • Don’t think too much. We all think too much. Sometimes we make ourselves sad with things from the past or things that haven’t happened at all. The past is the past and the future is yet to come. Focus on the present.

We all experience sadness at times, but learning not to give it a home in your head is a challenge to tackle.

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