How To Teach Children How To Deal With Stress

First of all, the causes must be determined in order to then employ the right strategies against stress. It will make your child feel more relaxed and confident.
How to teach children how to deal with stress

We all know being overwhelmed and hectic in everyday life, and children are not spared from it either. Our pace of life is getting faster and faster in modern society, so it is fundamental to learn how to deal with stress  properly.

So today we have a few tips for you so that you can show your child how to  cope better with stress  . It should learn to set priorities and also to incorporate recovery phases into everyday life.

Would you like to know which strategies can help your child with stress? Then read on.

Causes of Stress in Children

Too many school and leisure activities and responsibilities often lead to stress in children. But other factors that we often forget can also have a very stressful effect:  noise, over-stimulation, screen light (computer, cell phone, television, …) etc.

Child needs to learn to deal with stress

Some children are sensitive to noise and other stimuli,  so it is particularly important for them to take a break in a quiet room in order to be able to deal with stress.

Children are often under pressure from school and extracurricular activities, plus pressure to succeed, family changes or conflicts and other factors that can trigger symptoms of stress.

It should not be forgotten that children often suffer from a sedentary lifestyle  and therefore find it difficult to cope  with stress  .

In this context, consider the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), which state that children should exercise for one hour every day. Too little exercise is not only bad for your physical health, but also your mental health.

Signs of stress in children

The signs of stress in children can be very subtle and sometimes strange. For example, stomach aches, headaches or changes in behavior can occur. Mood swings and sleep disorders as well as difficulty concentrating can also make themselves felt at school.

Major changes in a child’s life must also be taken into account:  moving house, the arrival of a new family member, and other circumstances can all be stressful. Not to be forgotten are school and classmates, who in many cases cause very tense situations.

How can you teach children how to deal with stress?

Children do not necessarily associate their negative feelings, such as sadness, anger, fear, or exhaustion, with stress. They usually don’t know how to deal with their emotions either.

This is why they need help understanding what exactly is stress and what to do about it. We have a few useful tips for you and your child:

  • Trust is essential for your child to know they can talk to you about anything.
  • In addition, you should listen carefully and actively to your child  to understand what they are trying to tell you before starting any advice. 
  • Many children find it easier to talk about their problems during relaxing activities. For example, you can use creative activities, a walk through nature or implementing a cooking recipe to speak openly. This will help your child feel better.
  • Motivate your child for sporting and / or relaxing activities. It can calm down and find balance.
learn to deal with stress

Finally, we would like to mention a study published in the journal Psychology and Behavior Management that confirms that yoga and mindfulness exercises in school can help children manage stress properly. A topic that has been the subject of research for several years.

These activities can help children improve their quality of life, emotions, and relationships. Therefore, not only stress management is important,  children must also learn that mental well-being promotes physical health and vice versa.

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