How We Find Our Place In The World

While it may not seem easy to find our place in the world, all we have to do is look inside.
How we find our place in the world

We feel like we don’t fit anywhere. Every day we wake up feeling an emotional emptiness inside us. For some reason, it seems impossible to find our place in the world. Everywhere we go we feel strange. Sometimes we even feel like we are not ourselves. What’s happening?

Nothing and nobody makes us happy. We wander from here to there in a gray everyday life that seems to drown us in an ocean of doubt and uncertainty. We also don’t understand exactly what is happening to us or our world. So we try to look for our reason for being, but find no significant meaning for our existence. What can we do?

Finding our place in the world: what can we do?

No place seems to be right for us. No job suits us. We feel like our existence is just a burden on us. Then we think about the world and how it works and find that it doesn’t seem made for us.

Pessimism takes over our rudder. We feel like we don’t fit in any place or that we were born at the wrong time. What should we do now? How do we find our place in the world? These are some of the toughest questions all humans ask themselves at some point in life.

To all of us, for some inexplicable reason, there seems to be a magical place where everything seems perfect. Everyone has their own magical place. For example, some feel at home in a temple, others in the mountains or by the sea. Beaches are also magical places where people feel connected to the world.

A desperate woman wonders about the meaning of life.

Finding our place in the world: what do our fellow human beings expect?

If we stop and think about this feeling of helplessness, we may find important answers. In many cases our environment has conditioned us in such a way that our path already seems to be mapped out.

We unconsciously accept this path as if it were the one we have chosen. And despite our apparent success along the way, we feel out of place.

In many cases, we simply accept the life we ​​are supposed to lead, as our fellow human beings expect us to be. We walk this path without suffering pain or gaining fame.

In fact, we haven’t even thought of other goals. It is time to think about whether we are leading the life we ​​want or what our fellow human beings expect of us.

Before the Buddhist nun Lhundup Damchö found her salvation in Buddhism, she was a successful journalist. But she was not happy in this job.

Because of this, Damchö decided to leave her old life behind and become a Buddhist nun. She found her happiness in Buddhism, because here she could help other people.

Lama Rinchen, a Buddhist meditation teacher, has a similar story to tell. He was a successful businessman who decided one day to close his business and devote himself to Buddhism.

Are we really happy with what we are doing? Let’s look inside ourselves and analyze what makes us really happy.

Lama Rinchen - For many people, Buddhism is a way to find their place in the world.

Our place in the world: inner emptiness and Buddhism

In Buddhism, it is believed that the inner emptiness we feel when we cannot find our place in the world is due to the separation from our authentic Buddha nature.

What is Buddha Nature? The answer is simple: it is the ultimate state of being in which we are truly happy. In order to reach this state, we have to let go of things that make us suffer. When we let go of our worries, we increase the chances of being happy in the world.

So our place in the world does not depend on where we are, but on our mental state. When we find inner peace, no place will be as hostile or uncomfortable as it may have appeared to us before. Then we will experience real fulfillment.


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