I Like Authentic People, Without Anything Artificial

I like authentic people, without the artificial

I like real people, without the artificial. People who don’t blind themselves or others … I want to be like that too. Living in a constant lie just because I worry about “what they are going to say” only enslaves me. It serves no other purpose than to keep me from being happy. Life is so short, there is no point in living the life others want.

But I also like the real people who help others with a respectful attitude – without looking over their shoulders, without judging, without talking behind their backs. And clearly the world would be a lot better if we all did something like that.

To be authentic means not to hide from fear

I like real people who have learned to live without fear and to storm the world, no matter what the neighbors say behind their backs. I like them because they show me without a doubt that they are happy and that is a lesson for my life.

Dance woman

And me? I haven’t always been authentic, and maybe I’ve judged others because I’m human and because I make mistakes. But I have the opportunity to reflect on my mistakes, with others and with myself. I know that I shouldn’t hide, I should show myself for who I am. Those who love me love me for who I am, that’s it.

“Those who are authentic take responsibility for who they are and are recognized for who they are.”

Jean Paul Sartre

To be authentic means not to judge

I have also learned to correct myself, to say to myself inwardly: do not judge, the world goes its way, do not look at people one way or the other, treat everyone equally.

If you don’t like someone, be polite, correct, and let them go their own way. Try to make this world a better place with your attitudes, at least what is around you, and in terms of your relationships and your respect for others.

What is an authentic person like?

For authentic people, the greatest gift they can give to others and ultimately to themselves is to be themselves. Some of the properties they have are listed here:

  • You are not afraid of “what others will say” .   You took off that absurd mask a long time ago.
  • They admit in front of others and themselves that they are not perfect.
  • They know they are vulnerable.
  • They don’t care that they look bad in front of others.

“The most disastrous lies for our self-esteem are not so much what we say but how we live.”

Nathaniel Branden

Bird woman

How are people who judge others?

In contrast, people who judge others and who are focused on what other people do, say, or feel have the following characteristics:

  • They often don’t show who they really are. You are not authentic. They think that they are perfect and that flaws are something only others have.
  • They are often dissatisfied with their life. They try to justify their lives by criticizing others.
  • You are not critical of yourself.
  • They have no interests or hobbies of their own to pursue. They are bored and their hobby is to criticize others.
  • They are often jealous. They talk about others and criticize them because they feel envious deep down within themselves. Envy that doesn’t necessarily harm others, but that hurts them themselves.

For one reason or another, perhaps out of fear of rejection or what others might say, or even fear of retaliation, these people have not yet had the opportunity to show who they really are. Only when you are yourself in front of others and leave behind the old baggage that weighs so heavily do you begin to see life with a happiness that was lost.

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