I’m In A Crisis, How Do I Deal With It?

I am in a crisis, how do I deal with it?

We all feel bad from time to time. There are hours, days, weeks, or even months when our powers seem to wane and illusions are erased. Moments when we only have one sentence in mind: “I’m in a crisis.”   It seems like we got lost and a wave of very uncomfortable dislike caught up with us.

It’s normal to feel bad every now and then. Life is a continuous adventure with its good times, but also bad times, which alternate with each other. But what can we do to solve problems? How can we make this sense of crisis go away? Knowing how to cope with moments of sadness will bring us the light we crave for those cloudy days. Let’s see below what strategies we can use to combat this daily sadness.

I’m in a crisis. What are the best strategies?

There are countless books, magazines and articles that promise the latest and greatest technology to keep us happy and to stamp out the bad moments forever. However, most of them are unrealistic or mostly only work for a short time. Namely until the next clouds come up.

Because of this , in this article we will not talk so much about techniques as we will talk about strategies for dealing with the discomfort that sometimes overwhelms us. Of course, they’re not magic bullets. They require effort, patience, and emotional awareness, but when used properly, their benefits will be felt in the long run. They are as follows:

  • Accept what is happening
  • Care of the body
  • Surround ourselves with people we appreciate
  • Work on our goals
Woman looks out the window with a sad expression

1. Accept what is happening

When the thought “I am in a crisis”   occurs to us, the first reaction we have is to deny it while we are distracted and struggle with this uncomfortable feeling. After all, nobody wants to be sad – so why should we accept this happening to us?

The problem with this strategy is that in the world of emotions anything we oppose tends to get stronger. So, in general, when we are “angry” because we feel bad, all we do is add weight to our suffering.

The truth is that emotions are trying to send us a message. In fact, they are nothing more than chemical reactions in our brain that tell us when something is good and when it is not. So if we focus only on the uncomfortable emotions of this crisis and not on its cause, it will only make us more uncomfortable in the long run.

Therefore, when we feel bad about ourselves, the best strategy is to accept what is happening and find out why we have these emotions and what they do for us. To achieve this, one of the best ways is to practice relaxation and meditation exercises.

2. Taking care of the body

Many times when we feel bad, we seek the cause in external circumstances or in our thoughts. But sometimes the origin of our “I’m in a crisis” has more to do with the chemistry of our body than with what happens to us.

In order to feel good in the long term, it is therefore essential to take care of our diet, exercise and rest. At first glance, it may seem that these three factors cannot affect us in our “I’m in a crisis” stages, but the truth is that they do so much more than we think.

Jogger ties her shoes

3. Surround ourselves with people we appreciate

A large number of scientific studies show that improving our social relationships has a direct impact on our happiness. From partnerships to simple friendships, having other people whom we trust and who make us feel supported is critical to our wellbeing.

One of the most useful strategies for our sad moments is going out and socializing with other people. While we may not feel like it in these circumstances, once we take off the cover of loneliness and come into contact with someone we appreciate, our mood will improve significantly.

On the other hand, if we find ourselves shy, improving our social skills can act as a catalyst in making ourselves feel better. So if we trust our ability to meet and connect with new people, we will see our crises become a thing of the past.

4. Work on our goals

The final strategy is to focus on our goals; H. not to leave behind our personal projects and goals. Indeed, this discomfort may have resulted from separation from ourselves and we need to strengthen our bonds with ourselves.

Man goes for a walk

Let’s not forget that prioritizing ourselves is important for our wellbeing. When we give up and leave everything we want to do behind, it is normal that one day we will wake up with feelings of frustration and failure.

As we can see, it is possible to alleviate this uncomfortable feeling that sometimes overcomes us. We just have to be aware of it and think about what we can do to redeem it.

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