I’m Not Just Lucky: I Persevered, Tried Hard And Made Sacrifices

I'm not just lucky: I persevered, tried hard and made sacrifices

I’m not just lucky and it wasn’t a hint of fate either. I am where I am today and I have what I have because of these values ​​that I don’t have to tell anyone: perseverance, willingness to make an effort and make sacrifices. Because true success means being happy with the people you love and being proud of yourself for what you have achieved.

We live in a society in which personal success is sometimes viewed with suspicion and suspicion. If someone has managed to get where they wanted to, it is because other people have contributed. We cannot deny that this is the case every now and then. However, there is real talent and that is basically the discipline that is characterized by perseverance, will and patience.

“Except for the stupid, people don’t differ much in their intellect; they differ only in persistence and hard work. “

Charles Darwin

When we speak of success, we are not just referring to personal success. We also speak of those people who achieve ideal well-being through the partner they have always dreamed of, through their family, friends and this attitude of knowing how to deal with every difficulty in life, through courage and optimism to have. Here, too, luck did not play a role.

Because true happiness and success in life are the result of this intelligent persistence that knows what battle to fight. Who gives everything for the person she loves, for what she dreams of. In fact, we also know that every day thousands of people make sacrifices in silence and work hard for something without having to tell others.

That is real talent: the talent to be persistent and not to leave your luck to fate.


Perseverance moves mountains

Confucius once said that whoever moved mountains would have started moving small stones. Success in any area of ​​life undoubtedly comes from an iron will. Through this persistence that we integrate as another need in our deepest inner being. Like a runner who puts on his old running shoes every day, goes outside, takes a deep breath, runs and dreams of going 1 km further.

Anders Eriksson, famous psychologist from the University of Florida (Florida, USA) explains to us that people who achieve professional or personal success do not have any particular gene. Of course we are not all made to be able to do everything, but there are people who know how to exploit a number of fundamental aspects that will definitely allow them to achieve what they set out to do:

  • Appropriate handling of feelings, especially frustration, as well as perseverance, persistence and hard work.
  • People with these characteristics are also not dependent on external motivation. They know how to motivate themselves, where their limits are and how to get the most out of their abilities.

Something we should also keep in mind is that there are many people with a talent. The fact is that we are all good at one area. Despite the fact that intelligence is something that is not in short supply in our world, we sometimes lack persistence and faith. Every now and then we are the victim of criticism or the ideas of our society, which is responsible for us setting limits.

It is not enough for us to say “I will be able to do this”. Empty words are useless unless we are fully convinced of them and adopt an attitude that does not allow us to give up.

When the success or happiness of others is viewed with suspicion

Paul Bloom, professor of psychology at the University of Yale (Connecticut, USA), says empathy is overrated. Everyone would pretend to be compassionate, but the truth is that there are few people who can truly connect with the personal and emotional realities of others. In fact, there is a very interesting aspect: it is easier to feel the pain of a stranger than the happiness of a neighbor.

It is just as if we wanted someone else to be happy, but not happier than ourselves. In fact, we come across that quite often. We mentioned it at the beginning: For example, if someone passes a selection test for the public service or has professional success, one always suspects the so-called favoritism behind it. If our friend, who is not exactly a hunk, has a new relationship with a very attractive woman, it doesn’t seem logical. She has to find something about him that others don’t see.

Why does the human mind react so suspiciously from time to time?


Envy: the silent and deadly virus

Those who are jealous have a limited horizon. A jealous person would never suspect persistence behind a person who spent nights studying by candlelight, a person who sacrificed his sleep to invest in his work. Nor is he ever able to see the true love this stunning woman feels for this unattractive man.

Because the curse of envy is a tricky business because the inferiority complex can be deadly and unhappy. It is always better for envious people to curse the success of others than to reveal their own weaknesses. It is therefore more comfortable for those who are envious to build walls and throw stones rather than allow themselves to admire others for their qualities and to learn from them. It is better to make sharp remarks, and with a little “luck” the envious person will be able to harm the successful counterpart.

We shouldn’t let ourselves be influenced by these personality types. If we are really afraid of not being able to achieve success in our life path, we should remember that the key to our happiness is persistence, that we should not listen to the criticism and mean comments from envious people who claim that we are would never achieve this or that.

And above all, we should choose our friends wisely. Look out for those who are not only able to be by your side during sad times. Surround yourself with people who will share your happiness with you when you are successful.

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