It Was A Love To Meet You, Beauty Of My Life

It was a love to get to know you, beauty of my life

“It is said that we find the great love twice: a love that you will marry or with which you will live forever, that can be the father or mother of your children … the person of whom you have the greatest understanding get to spend the rest of your life with her.

And it is said that there is always a second love, a person you lose forever, someone who was connected to you when he was born, so closely connected that chemical forces, exceeding all reason, led to the fact that there was never a happy ending.

Until one day you stop trying … You give up and lust for that other person you end up finding, but I assure you, you won’t have a single night that you don’t have to be thirsty for more kisses, will you even after arguing with her.

You know who I’m talking about because while you’re reading this, you’ve got her name in your head. You will get rid of him or her, you will stop suffering, you will find peace (which will be replaced by rest), but I assure you that not a single day goes by that you do not wish this person to bother you now would.

Because sometimes it takes more energy to argue with someone you love instead of making love to someone you care about. “

Paulo Coelho

You came to me without even having to ask, you touched me and nothing was the same as before. I remember during those days life was different, the colors were more intense, and the smells were more vivid.

I don’t know, but I think it’s love that turns everything upside down. The fact is, I never wanted to go back to my world and fix everything, but that shows that indolence and routine lead to getting used to everything.

If you were my cause and effect, you would be the one who made my volcano erupt, you would be my companion in life, my ice and my fire, my beach and my sea.

Red thread

The common thread that connects us

My shadow says we are no longer alike.
That no matter how much he follows me, he no longer fits my steps.
That I fit you now.
He says he’s jealous.

I don’t know if you and I are connected by the red thread of fate, or if it all happened by chance, but what I do know is that among all people on this earth it was you and me, in this place. That leads me to believe that the culprit was a man in a hat who tied our hearts with an invisible thread on a night when the moon was shining.

We’re here because we deserve it. Because we have acquired skills, because we love together and apart. Debauchery, romance, and confession have resulted in two souls keeping company forever.

We find ourselves in unbridled passion, with pounding hearts, in disappointment when everything is not quite perfect, in the illusion of a new beginning, in connection, in trust, in the short-lived and the real.

We created battlefields. We have reached the end of the world. We broke up. We got back together. We drowned our butterflies.

And if one thing is clear, it is that love is in all things, but most of all in passion, fights, and forgiveness. Because a perfect couple is not necessarily the one that stays together, but the one that feels ideal.

I knew from the first moment that you had to be the person I would lose forever.


I will Always Love You

“The essential is indefinable. How do we define the color yellow, love, the motherland, the taste of coffee? How do we define someone we love? We can’t. “

Jorge Luis Borges

Some kisses are so fleeting that I have to ask for them to happen again. Now I add ellipses always and everywhere, because they go on and on, and so I can make the moments I have with you endless.

No matter how much time passes, even if the passion no longer holds us together, you will always be in a special place in my heart. A place where love is not tinted with color but with intensity. And our love was not short, it was eternal.

And that’s why I wonder why you left and never came back, wonder what will come … It was a love to get to know you, the beauty of my life …

Images courtesy of Olga Marciano

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