Learn To Live, Laugh And Love Like A Child Again

Learn to live, laugh, and love like a child again

Many people believe that being an adult only means that life is filled with responsibility, fears and doubts. Perhaps that is why we often meet adults who, at the age of 40, want to lead a life like their children. Others are full of doubts and complaints and would like to leave everything behind and get away from it all.

When you get to this point in your life, it’s time to take children as role models. They know how to live, laugh and love naturally, just as if there was nothing negative in the world.

“Children find magic because they are looking for it.”

Christopher Moore

Try to find what makes you shine again

Children are like suns that illuminate everything on their way. They don’t know what it means to worry about the future or responsibilities and don’t know their burdens. They would never be embarrassed to fall and get up, to be wrong, or to show their feelings. You should acquire all of these characteristics in order to be able to live, laugh, and love like a child again.

There is no magic recipe for forgetting worries. You should just allow yourself to be more positive and enthusiastic about reality. Every day you should take your time to discover new things and enjoy the little things in life.

What do you have to do to live, laugh and love like a child?

1. Laugh as much and as often as possible

You don’t have to joke or laugh at others all the time to do this. Does not work like that. It’s much more about developing a sense of humor that makes you happy.

“Laughter is the sun that chases the winter away from the human face.”

Victor Hugo

2. Trust in your superpowers

You don’t have any super powers? I bet you that you will find at least five things that you are good at. It doesn’t have to be super extraordinary skills:

  • Can you use your jokes to make others forget their problems?
  • Do you cook the tastiest pasta in the world?

These are just two examples, but certainly not the only ones. A superpower is what makes you unique.

3. Dare to do it!

Children don’t keep asking themselves, “Can I do this?” , or, “Am I able to do this?” You just go and get started. Unfortunately, many adults forget that it is important to keep trying new things.

When was the last time you did something that made you feel insecure? It’s about just going out there and doing something crazy. Take a parachute jump. Or anything else you feel like doing. Do different things!

“Everything you want in life is outside of your comfort zone.”

Robert Allen

4. Go out with your friends

Have you ever noticed that children are always surrounded by friends? It makes them happy because they spend good and bad moments with them. Such moments give us something very precious: the best memories of our lives.

What does all this material and professional success bring us at the end of the day if there is no one to share it with?

Lying children

5. Be a rebel

I already know you’re going to tell me that you don’t have time or a lot of commitments that you can’t leave undone. Don’t worry, you don’t have to quit your job to travel the wide world (certainly, even if it is possible, it is not easy).

To be a rebel means not to adjust.

Have you fallen into the monotony of the status quo? What are you doing? Let your dreams come true!

Children are always looking for new opportunities. A new game or new friends. They don’t commit and that’s what enables them to be themselves and develop in their personality.

“We’re here to take a big bite of the universe. If not for what then? ”

Steve Jobs

6. Hug your loved ones

If you have kids, or hang out with kids occasionally, you know that they can come up to you and hug you at any time for no reason. Well, actually there is a reason: you just want to do it. This is how they show that they love you and no doubt you will see them laugh and enjoy the moment. This is what life is about.

Don’t be afraid that people will hold you against such an action. It may seem strange to them because you usually never do, but they will feel so good about it that they will make it a part of their life too.

Are you ready to live, laugh and love like a child? Don’t let the routine drive the child away. No matter if you are 20 or 60 years old, I am sure that you will find it again and that you can enjoy life.

Just do it!

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