Let Life Mess You Up

Allow life to mess you up

Everything beautiful in this life is tousle your hair: a walk on the beach, a mountain ride, making love, dancing, laughing out loud, riding a bike,  kissing the person you love. 

Have you ever observed the expressions of most of the people walking down the street? Which one of them really seems to feel like messing around? Surely they still have not let their lives mess them up, they certainly have not paused to think that this day will not repeat itself and that  every minute must be enjoyed and the game of life should be played to its fullest. 

“May life dishevel you and love undress you!”

I don’t want to be a flawless woman, a well-coiffed woman who always goes straight, who is always serious, who exercises regularly, who puts herself on a diet to get slimmer, who is always on time, who always says what to say you expect and always do what is expected of her. I decided to command myself to just be happy and live a life that messes up my hairstyle.


Fall in love

When was the last time you let yourself go Perhaps that was far too long ago and the time has come to put aside the prejudices that limit you to live this moment intensely.

If you like someone tell them if you want to kiss that person who you like so much, kiss them if you want to say “I love you” then say it. Nobody can control who they fall in love with, and loving someone always involves risks. Be brave and live out what you want to live out.

“I’ve loved maddeningly; and what they call crazy is the only sensible way for me to love. “

If you cry because of a leaf falling from a tree, let it happen. When you get emotional in front of someone else, let your feelings run free. You can cry out of joy or sadness,  no one can set limits for you and your tears. Let them out and be yourself.

Dance and sing like nobody sees you

If you hear one of your favorite songs and want to sing along, do it, let your hair fly, let the music mess you up, dance and sing like nobody sees you, it doesn’t matter if you do it good or bad, that is you how you enjoy your life and your song. It is the melody of your life that can be heard. 

Kisses with passion

Kiss with your whole body, with your heart, feel the feeling of a kiss flood your heart. Mess with your kisses and let the kisses mess you up.  Feel your lips slide to the edge of your kiss and give it to me with all your passion.


Embrace with all your soul

Spread hugs with all your soul, feel the strength of your arms as they wrap around another person and lean on their shoulder, feel how they protect you with this hug that gives warmth that is life. The moment and the place don’t matter, hug whenever your heart tells you to. 

Feel your emotions

Sometimes you feel angry, other times you are afraid, feel joy, sadness, hope. The important thing is that you learn to feel these emotions, to listen to what your soul is telling  you, to understand yourself and to live in peace with yourself. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to express what you feel, it means to free what you are, it means to let out what is inside you. It doesn’t matter if you feel vulnerable. To be emotional means to have courage, it means to dare to open one’s soul to others and to ourselves.

And when life ruffles you …

When you look at yourself in the mirror after every hug, every kiss, every dance, every song and see a woman with a disheveled hairstyle and a smile full of anticipation for life, for this life in which you can be yourself. When life messes you up, you know that you lived and were very happy.

“Make love, give yourself up, eat tasty, kiss, hug, fall in love, rest, travel, jump, go to bed late, get up early, run, fly, sing, make yourself pretty, make yourself comfortable, marvel the landscape, enjoy and above all allow life to mess you up. The worst that can happen to you is that you have to comb your hair again while smiling in the mirror. “

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