Lonely Among People

Lonely among people

It doesn’t matter how many people you know or how many friends you have on social networks. What really matters is what the people around you mean to you. What are they worth to you The sheer number is insignificant as you can be surrounded by people and still feel alone.

Have you ever felt, no matter how well covered you were, that you weren’t getting really warm? Have you ever felt that your need for human contact was not met when there were people around you? Have you ever felt alone, like no one could help you? This feeling of emptiness will not go away if you try to fill it from the outside. Because the problem is within you and you have to solve it from within before you turn your gaze to others.

Solitude is an opportunity to spend time with yourself. Loneliness gives you the time to have a positive internal dialogue. In these moments you get to know each other better, find out what you really want and where you are going. When you are alone, you have a chance to come to terms with yourself.

“You can’t be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”

Wayne Dyer

You will never feel lonely around people when you can enjoy your own company. You won’t feel alone once you’ve made peace with yourself. And only then can you perceive your environment as it really is: If there is noise inside you and everything is confused, how can you hear the sounds of the outside world?

The value of what is around you

It is a mistake to focus on quantity when looking for friendship. The key is quality. It doesn’t matter how many people there are if they can’t offer you anything. It doesn’t matter how much time they spend with you either. If it is not a high quality time, you will be lonely among people.

You will always feel lonely when it doesn’t make you happy to spend time with yourself or with others. You will always think that no matter how many times you repeat the same story, no one will understand you. And you will always think that no one will want to spend time with you if you don’t value yourself. The bottom line is that you can only enjoy your time if you share it with yourself first.

Even those who have fun in the sea with friends can be lonely among people

So first work on coming to terms with yourself. Not with loneliness, but with yourself. You are the only person who will always be there for you, so you should love yourself. Be your own hero. Enjoy the moments of loneliness in which you can ground yourself. Talk to yourself and make it clear to yourself that having made peace with yourself will also help you with external problems.

“One day, loneliness embraced me so tightly that I began to feel affection for her. I cried like a child and told her a thousand stories. We talked for a long time like two old friends, then said goodbye and both went on our way. We still meet sometimes, and I’m always happy to see her. It is still the same:
always honest, wise and intelligent. “

Kelbin Torres

Give meaning to solitude

When you feel empty and unhappy with yourself, these emotions can become your worst enemy. They’re like a voice that keeps screaming for a solution while you try to drown out background noise. The real solution, however, is to cut your connection with the outside world and connect with yourself.

Two arms embrace a huge heart made of fabric

Therefore, strive for a healthy relationship with yourself – a valuable one. Learn how to listen to yourself and make yourself happy. Take care of yourself and learn to appreciate the time you spend alone and in the comfort of your own company.

You will no longer feel lonely among people if you are a good companion for yourself and you will not feel a feeling of absence if you are completely yourself. The outside world will add to your happiness instead of just being the color that whitewashes your unresolved internal problems.

Love yourself like never before. Feel such inner peace that you want to be alone for at least a brief moment each day. Listen to yourself in a way no one else can. Be the best friend you wish for yourself. Once you’ve filled that inner void, you can go outside and enjoy what others have to offer you.

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