Long Live Middle Age!

Long live middle age!

Just a few decades ago, women in their fifties were considered cute grandmothers. It was common at this age for them to prepare for their imminent retirement. It was also normal that they had already finished their love life.

However, there has been a significant cultural change in relation to the distribution of roles in old age, especially when it comes to women. It used to be common for girls to be married by the age of 18. Today, however, most women of this age have no plans for marriage. The same can be said for middle-aged women. It was often said that when you are 50 you are too old to go out. On the contrary, many women today use this lifetime to gain new experiences, to learn what was previously denied to them due to a lack of time.

“As soon as you stop learning, you are old, regardless of whether you have been on earth for 20 or 80 years. Those who continue to learn stay young. “

Henry Ford

For example, it has been found that the number of divorces among women in their fifties has increased. The number of women who start a company or start their own business at this age also stands out in the statistics. So it can be said that many women of this age are far from considering the end of their lives, but strive for new goals.

Middle-aged women

Middle age is a phase of life in which many changes in the mind and body take place. The biological clock indicates that the fertility phase is coming to an end. The skin is no longer as smooth as it used to be and you can tell that the smile lines are no longer disappearing. You can’t eat pizza at midnight without getting ready for a rude awakening.

These physical changes bring great insecurity with them. Women of this age have to get used to living with a “new” body and it is not always easy. They also have to realize that they have to redefine the parameters by which they measure their attractiveness. Some cannot accept this and try to revive the 20-year-old young woman they once were.

The fifties are also a time of interim balances. You have already had many experiences in life and have matured. At the same time one is still full of vitality. Therefore, the time has now come for many women to make important decisions that they have been putting off until then. The picture of love and partner is different now. You love with greater serenity. Women in their fifties find it easier to let go of what is holding them back. Your relationships become freer and healthier. You become more realistic and expectations of love change.

The role of work at a wonderful age

Some have had children and split their time between their work and the upbringing of the children. Many felt that they could only do both half-heartedly. Often, however, the children have already moved out and that is the end of the task of bringing up them. The children are now independent and no longer dependent on maternal care.

Most mothers in their fifties work. Since the upbringing of the offspring is now more or less complete, they can now fully focus on their work again. They often set new goals. Many women of this age choose to study or take courses on interesting topics.

The fifties are the ideal age for new challenges in the job. Considerable experience has been gained and the time has come to take a step forward. Some set up their own company, others reorient themselves in their profession. It is the perfect time for that.

Some middle-aged women are changing their lifestyle and improving their quality of life. The time is right for this. Others, however, lapse into useless nostalgia and mourn past times that will never come back. That can be very depressing. But I am sure that all women in their fifties have the tools to rearrange their lives and enjoy this age when life has so much in store for them.

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