Making The Moment More Beautiful – A Skill That Everyone Can Learn

Making the moment more beautiful - a skill that anyone can learn

Life is a motley collection of moments. Making it beautiful and enjoyable is something that brings us into harmony with our nature. However, we spend most of our lives completing our appointments and activities, which are usually very stressful. This can lead to general complaints, dissatisfaction and anxiety.

Everyone experiences moments of stress. Everyone feels exhausted, overwhelmed and ultimately sad at times. Such situations, which should be rare, are becoming more and more common and sometimes even become normal. Somehow the stress pulls us down until it doesn’t let go of us. Until one day we wake up and ask ourselves, “How does it feel to enjoy life? How can I make this moment more beautiful? “

What does it mean to make moments more beautiful?

Making the moment more beautiful requires the ability of emotional regulation, which is developed in different ways. This includes all behaviors and thoughts that are aimed at increasing our well-being and reducing negative emotions such as anger, fear or frustration. It is a very useful skill to be able to face our daily obligations with a positive attitude.

Now let’s see how our routine and everyday moments can be made more beautiful.

Woman with stars on her back

1. Living in the present moment

First and foremost, it’s about isolating yourself from the past and the future. It’s about stopping, watching, and accepting what is happening as we go about our daily tasks. Mindfulness is suitable for this.

Being able to live in the present moment is the first step in restoring that lost balance that we mentioned earlier. In difficult moments, try to be aware of your feelings and your surroundings. This also includes apparently secondary sensations, such as the stimulus that the water exerts on your skin when you shower.

2. Redesigning the environment

The influence of the environment on our behavior and emotions has been extensively studied by environmental psychologists. To take advantage of this influence, we should first familiarize ourselves with how our environment is set up. What is the environment in which we do our daily tasks? Various studies explain how organized environments with natural light and familiar objects that remind us of good times increase our well-being and improve our performance.

“The meaning of life is to live and seek new and enriching experiences without fear.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

If we hang pictures in your field of vision or move them within reach, it helps us to make moments more beautiful. Especially when these images remind us of our goals. We can also strategically place phrases that motivate us. Or those that remind us why we chose the path we are currently on. In this way we improve our motivation and increase our commitment and endurance.

On the other hand, we should remove objects that lead to negative thoughts or feelings. When we discover objects that convey these sensations or evoke bad memories and remove them from our field of vision, we also improve our well-being.

We need to remember that doing our routine tasks will be easier when we do it in a welcoming environment. In an environment that conveys serenity and in which we feel “at home”.

Woman blows stars from her hand

3. Suitable instruments for working and studying

If we get used to using suitable materials or instruments, this can have a positive effect on our performance and motivation. It is also a small token of affection for ourselves. When we need to study, it makes sense to look at responsive notes that are pleasing to the eye and easy to memorize. Some readers may think that it would be a waste of time to invest in these aspects. He couldn’t be more wrong.

When our studies are over and we are now part of the workforce, we should also make sure that we use suitable work materials. It is important that we have all the necessary elements to do our jobs efficiently. We will be more productive with materials that we like and make our work easier. For example, if we use files or a computer, your work will be more pleasant if these materials are aesthetically pleasing. The background image can be set to inspire. Show something that arouses positive emotions. If we can listen to music at work, we shouldn’t hesitate to do so too! Music improves performance and mood and encourages creativity.

“When you get excited about what you do, you will feel positive energy. As simple as that.”

Paulo Cohelo

4. Pay attention to details of your daily habits

Meals tend to create moments of integration that are usually very enjoyable. So they are wonderful finishing options. Taking care of the details of our meals can be very useful for increasing our wellbeing. Making the food look attractive, setting the table nicely, placing flowers and candles, etc. Even if this is all for ourselves, it will let us enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Woman carries dandelion on her hand

All these small details are perceived by our mind and will gradually fill us with positive emotions and motivation. With that in mind, embellishing the moment will allow us to use our routine more effectively. While it’s true that the details take effort, it’s an effort that is well worth it because it has a positive impact that directly affects us and the people we love.

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