Maybe You Are In Your Comfort Zone

Maybe you are in your comfort zone

We all like it when we feel safe and calm in our lives. We like stability and the feeling of being in control.

But it may be that we overestimate this situation for fear of change. Then we miss many opportunities to experience things and gain experience. Then we are almost certainly in our comfort zone.

If we dared, then these experiences could certainly help us to feel safer and happier, also towards ourselves. Why?

Every time we take on the challenges in our life, however small they may be, our self-esteem grows. We learn, we grow, and we mature as a person.

It’s kind of like standing at the edge of a pool where many people are having fun, but we don’t dare to jump in because the water is so cold … Until we maybe get pushed in by someone and then we realize, “How it’s nice here! Why didn’t I actually dare to do it beforehand! ” This is what it feels like to leave your comfort zone.

Person-lies-in-comfort zone

How can you tell if you are in your comfort zone?

When you find it difficult to take on new challenges

If you don’t like bungee jumping why should you? But if you wanna do it then why don’t you Here you can see the difference whether you are in the comfort zone or not.

If we want to do something, but then don’t do it out of fear and we deprive ourselves of what we like just to go on living quietly, then we are in our comfort zone.

“When the mind opens up to a new idea, it never returns to its original size.”

Albert Einstein

You want to get ahead with something, but you forbid yourself to do so

You dream of traveling alone or you want to talk to a certain person who you find very attractive, but your fear and the security that are present in your life paralyze you. Then you are almost certainly in your comfort zone.

Your body gives you physical evidence

When you try, when you try something new that you like and attracts you, your hands sweat, your stomach pinches and you feel a certain dizziness.

The body also notifies us of changes, and sometimes it is even so selfish that it supports the paralysis. But of course you can always change your point of view and perceive the body as a messenger.

You are not comfortable with yourself

If you don’t dare, then you won’t feel comfortable in your own skin later. A feeling of guilt builds up for not being able to take up the challenge.

These feelings of guilt are past associations and sometimes have to do with sacrifice. They can also be a sign that we are in our comfort zone.

How can you get out of your comfort zone?

1. Take on new challenges

Start with small steps and face small challenges.

Would you like to travel but are afraid because you suffer from an illness, have another problem or have never traveled by plane? Then take a short trip first, then a slightly bigger one the next time. You will see how you gradually overcome this obstacle.

2. Dare to do it without being afraid

Certainly we all have to take certain precautions, but it is also certain that life needs to be lived and not thought.

Dare to approach this person who you like so much at the risk of them saying “no”. Take the job you’ve been offered, even if you think it’s a size too big for you and that you might be fired soon.

Then, if all of this has actually happened, and even if you then think that you have failed, know that, in fact, it has not. You didn’t fail, you won.

You have emerged stronger from all of this and are now more able than before to take on new challenges. Now you can face rejection because it is now a part of your life. Accepting you like a friend is the whole challenge – and the first step towards overcoming it.

Shield comfort zone change

3. Read about emotional intelligence

Often we are firmly anchored in our old and obsolete thoughts. Reading opens up new horizons, especially if you are reading on the subject of emotional intelligence.

You will then see many things differently. Maybe some things are no longer so important because they actually aren’t, maybe you feel lucky.

4. Learn from people who have emotional intelligence

There are many people who have innate emotional intelligence. After just a short time of being with them, we notice that we feel reborn. Don’t lose touch with them, soak up their experiences.

5. And most importantly, don’t get stressed, go step by step

You determine your rhythm. Do not rush, everyone has their own rhythm in life. The most important thing is that you move forward in what you want and what you want.

And don’t forget, stability can give you peace of mind, but the moment comes when it restricts you and prevents you from moving forward. Take the risk and make your dreams come true. Leave your comfort zone!

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