Moments That Got Under My Skin Tell You My Story

Moments that got under my skin tell you my story

I belong to whoever gave me goose bumps, even if it was only once in my life. I choose the one who left something valuable in my emotional world, and above all in my soul. My story is made of the mind-boggling moments that I will never forget, that made me feel alive.

That is why they always say in this context that we consist of little stories that we write every day and that, when summarized, make up our own story. Still, I believe we are made of moments that took our breath away – those moments that make us feel so alive and that move us to action, allow us to dream and fulfill our dreams.

If you manage to be part of my story, you will always play a part in it

One thing is certain – if we go inside for a moment, we will discover within ourselves all that I am talking about: we will see people, feel the warmth of affection and that of a smile, we will dry tears again and touch each other remember small gestures that make us grow a bit. All of this is my story.

When were so many little things stowed in a box?
But you wanted to be a memory
and now you are dusty,
and have an outdated smile on an old piece of paper …
And when someone dusts the box with their souvenirs,
it is the memories that dust you themselves …

– Andrés Castuera Micher

Woman with wolf

If we continue to lose ourselves in it, we will encounter a world full of memories that touch us again, as if we were traveling through time. There we find everything that came into our lives and stayed forever, and that in the form of touch, smells and feelings.

And all of this will stay there until one day we die. All of these mementos are like our own fingerprints – breathtaking moments that made us feel part of time.

Goosebumps are my selective memory

We all know that when it comes to forgetting or remembering something, our minds choose, for reasons , to hold onto an idea that too often we have seen fragmentarily before our inner eyes. It seems that there is no place for all that we are going to experience and that we are only allowed to choose what we actually want to save.

But that means that our selective memory is already doing this work for us. How many times have you tried to memorize someone’s name, a phone number, or some everyday thing? It’s normal for us to forget something, but we will always remember the first few times that helped us respond to the world in ways we never did before.

“We are our memory, we are this fantastic museum of impermanent ways of life, this multitude of broken mirrors.”

Jorge Luís Borges

These are all moments that get under our skin. Minutes, seconds, hours, days, weeks, months that won’t come back or can happen again if we close our eyes and follow them. They are complete memories full of feelings and emotions.

Redhead woman

Keep going, looking for new breathtaking moments that will confirm who you are

It is true that we live according to what we remember. But we also live with the ability within us to gain new experiences in order to turn them into new memories. Our presence should be a constant search for things that touch us deep inside.

Nobody has the absolute truth. Search for your own truth that gives you goose bumps, that connects you and your inner being, that allows you to grow as an individual and at the same time allows you to be part of the bigger picture.

We can hold onto memories: it’s not about getting rid of them, but about creating new memories of life that complete the ones we already have. We can’t let the story end prematurely. No, we have to know how to fill in all the pages of our own book and we have to put in as much as we can.

And when you encounter goosebumps moments, allow them to touch and fill you. Don’t ask questions when they have made you happy, because life is there to be lived. Never contradict or lose sight of a stunning moment. Because you don’t really want to run from him because that’s never the answer.

Images courtesy of Lucy Campbell

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