My Personal Freedom Gives Me The Peace I Need

My personal freedom gives me the peace I need

“The route is the goal. We do not find joy when we have finished something, but rather while we are doing something. “

This sentence from athlete Greg Anderson reminds us that sometimes our happiness is right in front of us. We set goals and become obsessed with them, even at the expense of our own wellbeing. Exactly then we have to take our personal freedom, which gives us peace, calm and serenity.

I would like to invite you to see your world as a journey. A trip is usually exciting, full of new discoveries and places to get to know. But there are also unpleasant moments when nothing turns out as planned or as we wished.

Often times, these ugly situations don’t even depend on ourselves. But finding a solution for them is very much in our hands. For this reason, today we would like to immerse ourselves in the world of Pilar Jericó. The Spanish writer suggests creating personal space, which she describes as a “personal spa”. Would you like to know more about it?

How important personal freedom is

Individual freedom, which Jericó very sympathetically calls personal spa, is essential for everyone. As soon as we encounter problems more often and we lose control of them, and that will happen sooner or later, we have to learn to live with them and not let them throw us off balance.

Jericó can tell you a thing or two about that, because as an entrepreneur, speaker, writer and influencer in social networks, she has encountered all kinds of situations in the course of her professional career.

Thanks to personal freedom, we can view problems as an opportunity to grow. That’s not to say we like a conflict. It simply means that we can find the energy we need to face a situation and even come out of it strengthened and matured when we look at it rationally.

“The art of living is less about solving all of our problems, but about growing with them.”

Bernard M. Baruch


In Pilar Jericó’s personal spa

For Jericó, a personal spa is both a physical and an emotional place where we can recharge our batteries. The point is not to flee from problems there, but to find this positive place for us, where we can connect with ourselves in order to collect enough energy to deal with the problem. In this sense she distinguishes between three different places.


Pilar Jericó speaks of spa friendships because they release endorphins. To illustrate the importance of this personal place, she draws on a study by Katerina Johnson of the University of Oxford (England,), which showed that endorphins are even better at helping with pain than morphine.

Being around the people you love and those who love you creates a sense of wellbeing. It is for this reason that we must banish toxic friendships and conditional relationships from this place. This means that we should only be with people who make us feel good and give us the strength to tackle any problem.


Jericó mentions hobbies as a second personal location: sports, crafts, reading, art, going to the cinema, etc. All of these hobbies or activities are very suitable for clearing the mind and concentrating on something other than worries.

We should also remember that there is always something valuable we can learn to face troubled problems. While practicing our hobbies, ideas come to us that help us develop a new way of looking at unpleasant situations – even if we are not thinking about them too hard.

Free spaces

Last but not least, Jericó recommends the personal spa. She means that we should look for places where we really feel good: in the middle of nature, in our favorite library, in the home of a good friend, in a certain church, etc.

Finding personal space that we feel good about can be a source of inspiration. We can also look for a specific place in our house, like this little holy spot that shines through the special incidence of light or is located in a very special place in the house.

“Pressure arises when you think you have to be someone. Relaxation comes when you are who you are. “

Chinese proverb

In summary, Jericó does not speak of fleeing problems when she talks about personal freedom, but of a place where we can relax and switch off, and where sometimes new perspectives open up on their own. Because if we are able to distance ourselves, it is easier for us to find solutions. So if everything becomes too much for you again, let the situation affect you, don’t lose your calm and look for the best possible way out without losing harmony and getting out of balance.

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