Neuroplasticity: You Are Able To Change Your Brain!

Today we’re talking about the phenomenon of neuroplasticity and how you can use it to achieve cognitive changes. Learn how the human brain changes over time. 
Neuroplasticity: you are able to change your brain!

“You have the power to be the sculptor of your own brain!” This quote from Santiago Ramón y Cajal is more relevant today than ever. Because your own thoughts created your world and still shape it today. The  neuroplasticity of  the brain makes this possible.

Various scientific studies have shown that the brain has the ability to restructure and change through repeated experiences. This ability is known as neuroplasticity  .

Until recently it was believed that this ability was lost with age, but it is not. You can use the neuroplasticity of your brain all your life and therefore learn new things at any time.

The brain coordinates many complex skills: motor skills, audiovisual perception, language skills, etc. When you learn new things, you have to make a lot of effort at the beginning and you are not necessarily good. But the more you practice, the better you get.

On a psychological level, this means that we can also change anxious and depressive phases as well as other processes.

Neuroplasticity to change your behavior

Dr. Joe Dispenza, doctor of chiropractic, biochemist, and scientist, argues that humans are able to change on a daily basis.

He believes in their ability to shape the brain through personal experience. “If you started every morning to define what your best view of yourself is, you would be living in a different world,” explains Dispenza.

The latest scientific research has shown that genes are plastic as well. They are like switches and can therefore be activated or deactivated depending on the chemical state of the body. Experts call this phenomenon epigenetics.

Through your thoughts, you can shape your own brain.  This is known as neuroplasticity.

A relevant study in this area was carried out in patients with type 2 diabetes. Scientists found that people with the disease who attended comedy workshops had lower blood sugar levels without taking insulin.

The explanation for this is that certain genes were only activated when the person concerned laughed. This discovery opens the doors to new research and treatment options.

The brain is like a parachute

Every thought produces chemical substances in your brain that act as a signal. This allows you to automatically change your mood. It’s simple: when you have negative thoughts, you are in a bad mood.

The problem with this is that your thoughts and feelings feed each other. When you feel negative thoughts, more negative thoughts arise as you feel bad. A vicious circle begins: Sad thoughts make you sad and can trigger a negative phase from which it is difficult to escape.

You may begin to accept this sadness as part of your personality and feel that you have an unhappy character. In truth, however, you only feel that way because corresponding messenger substances are produced in your brain. 

A person is sitting on a boat dock and is worried.  Use neuroplasticity to improve mood.

Your body is used to certain chemicals that are present in the bloodstream. Any change in the normal composition produces malaise. 

Your organism will then try everything to create a balance. Your feelings depend on this process, which means that right now your body is dominating your mind.

But it is in your power to change this:  you can change your brain through neuroplasticity and also brighten your mood! Change your feelings about your environment in order to escape the vicious circle.

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