Nostalgia Is A Bittersweet Symphony

The nostalgia is a bittersweet symphony

The feeling of nostalgia is something so normal that sometimes we subconsciously think that it must always be there as something that just belongs to us. For this reason everyone can identify with it: we live with the nostalgia day in and day out, spend time with her, dance with her and hug her even more when it rains. Like on rainy days when we see less, but then we can see more.

“Nostalgia means loving a past that overwhelms us in the present. She is belated luck. We are nostalgic when we sleep in a hammock and still remember heartfelt reconciliations after unfounded arguments. We feel the lack of details. Nostalgia alone does not kill us because it is the joyful side of an ordeal. “

Gabito Nunes

We feel nostalgic about someone, something, a non-present past and wish the past were the present. We can also be nostalgic about the present, which is not and was not. Moments, details, affections, words etc. trigger a feeling of nostalgia in us. Indeed, it is as real as we can be ourselves and that is why it touches us so much.

Mermaid looks out to sea

Sometimes the nostalgia is so great that we are nostalgic

A few days ago I read an article in which the author said that our past is like a distant land in which we live in exile. And those who have lived there before and feel cold sometimes want to come back and are looking for warmth. In this sense, the imagined exile can be very distant or even near your presence.

I believe this is totally true: while nostalgia doesn’t turn into a lingering melancholy phase, it does aim to travel back and forth in time to find out who we were in relation to who we once were we are now. This does not mean that we do not want to live out the present or that we do not feel comfortable in it, but that we acknowledge ourselves and are aware of what we have experienced.

“Sometimes nostalgia is so great that it’s more than just a feeling. People are just nostalgic. Nostalgia means to live in order to lose oneself in the gaze of a person in all the secluded corners, to mess up hair, lips and smells and to smile with a heavy heart. “

Gabito Nunes

It’s like the Portuguese writer says: people are nostalgic because missing a tiny little thing makes something meaningful out of them. That little thing is the lack of something, and that’s what we need with every single fiber of our being. That is why we are nostalgic – because, as in love, we can not only feel part of the nostalgia and it can be found in all of our gestures.

Woman hugs the world

Nostalgia has two faces

Like most things in life, nostalgia has two faces. When we hear this word, we immediately associate it with something bittersweet.

For example, if you miss your family, friends, or partner, you feel defenseless for that moment. But at the same time, this is also like a hug, when by missing we remind ourselves who we have in our life and who we really want by our side.

“To be nostalgic means to radically escape the routine, to eat more salads and less sweets. Nostalgia is the uncomfortable expectation of a reunion. I imagine where I should be now. And when nostalgia no longer fits into the heart, it becomes reality and can be found in the eyes. “

Gabito Nunes

Crying girl

It’s true that we prefer to grapple with the melancholy side of nostalgia, and even more so when we’re between fall and winter – seasons we associate them with. However , it takes courage to understand that it represents the absence of that which was once worth it, or something is worth, that was or is beautiful, that made us happy or makes us happy.

And I say that it takes courage because it is difficult to understand that it is necessary to recognize nostalgia as the price of the most beautiful things when we are permanently missing something. Because we will never get nostalgic about something if there is no actual, likely or simultaneous happy ending behind it.

And contrary to this and above all because of this, we should make friends with the other side of nostalgia, which fills us, makes us the game pieces of the world and makes it clear to us that we live in this world despite all the consequences that this life brings with it .

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