Panic Attacks At Night

Panic attacks at night

Panic attacks cause those affected to feel very uncomfortable and feel overwhelmed by fear.  Panic can occur at any time, which is why it often hits you unexpectedly. Usually there are no direct or obvious triggers for a panic attack.

One could also describe panic attacks in such a way that the body feels threatened without any real danger. The body reacts as if the greatest fears one suffers from are just becoming a reality. But the mind cannot understand what is happening: why? What triggered the panic attack? Everything was calm and suddenly this feeling comes over you …

One cannot understand this unexpected and unpredictable response from his body. And that’s more terrifying than anything else.

Panic attacks attack you without warning

Although every person perceives things differently, one of the feelings most people can not stand is the unpredictability of a panic attack and the uncertainty that comes with it.   The inability to predict these attacks, prevent them, or find their causes often leads to more anxiety than panic itself.

Close up of a woman's face looking worried

When you have a panic attack, the body reacts with symptoms such as palpitations, sweaty hands, or nausea. In addition, you may also suffer from fear of dying, fainting, losing control, or going crazy if you panic. Then you are seized by fears that can completely paralyze you.

Some people also have chest pain. Dizziness and shortness of breath are also common. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by a surreal feeling of fear – that is the most disturbing thing about an acute panic attack.

Surreal sensations are common with nighttime panic attacks

It feels like stepping out of your body and looking at yourself from the outside.  One observes the body expectantly from its surveillance post. That is the real feeling that often goes with terror.

But what happens when you go to bed? Often you go to bed at a time when you are slowly coming to rest and shutting down, when you put your worries aside and finally want to sleep. Where you can put your problems on hold through sleep. At least until the alarm goes off again.

But, unfortunately, the fact is that panic attacks can occur at night. Without notice. At least during the day, you can occasionally suspect that a panic attack will come over you. At times there are signs of an impending attack and one can observe one’s own body and become aware of these symptoms. You learn that then it might be better to go to a safe place. You can leave where you are because there are too many people there.

Waking up to panic attacks at night: abrupt and surprising

Unlike panic attacks that can strike you in broad daylight, nighttime panic attacks are completely unpredictable. They usually occur before the REM phase of sleep. Therefore, one cannot become aware of these attacks until one wakes up. Waking up then always happens very suddenly, as if one were being torn from sleep.  

The body can build up so much fear that it almost feels like the fear is exploding through a panic attack. There are people who have to endure a lot of stress. Sometimes, when the stress gets too great, it can manifest itself in nightly panic attacks, as it is at this time that you drop your protective shields. That is why you are so surprised and horrified when you experience a panic attack at night.

When panic strikes you, you get up in shock and don’t understand what is happening to you. The seconds that go by feel like an eternity. The fear mixes with a feeling of alien and unreality since it happened in the middle of the night.

Nocturnal panic attacks can be prevented by good sleeping conditions

In order to create good sleeping conditions, one has to deal with unsolved problems that are worrying one. This can reduce the risk of nighttime panic attacks. At the same time, it is important to face the “phobia” that can arise when the day is drawing to a close and you have to go into your bedroom. Panic attacks at night can create a bedtime fear that needs to be addressed.

A worried young woman is sitting on a bench.

Habits can create better sleeping conditions or improve them. You should ban all disturbing influences from the bedroom that could make bedtime difficult. Having dinner or watching a movie just before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep. The body can either still be busy digesting the food or what you see can disturb you so much that it is difficult to sleep.

These preventive measures can be taken at any time to avoid nighttime panic attacks. However, it is important to remember that panic attacks are often triggered by the stress and anxiety that one may experience on a daily basis. But if you pay attention to your body and your emotions in the course of a day, you can collect valuable information as to why panic, which haunts you like a monster in the night, can attack you. So you can also take the first steps to avoid panic attacks at night.

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