Reasons For Spending Time Alone

Reasons for spending time alone

It seems like most people have a negative image of spending time alone. We use so many devices and social networks to feel more connected to the world and not have to be alone. Many people literally run away from moments of solitude and do everything possible to avoid them.

Spending time alone isn’t as wrong as it might seem. Here I want to give you the best reasons to spend time alone.

You discover new ways to have fun

Do you really think it’s that bad to spend an afternoon alone watching movies? You may be surprised at the positive feelings that come from spending some time with yourself. Alone gives you the chance to do things that others may not feel like doing, but that you’ve wanted to do for a long time.

Spend time alone and enjoy what you like

Forget the idea of ​​having to share every moment of your life in order to be happy. What actually sabotages happiness in those moments is the thought of how others will see you when you post it on Facebook later.

Do you want me to tell you the greatest of all secrets? They won’t even pay any attention to you. Be objective and you will see that what I am telling you is true. Each of us lives our own life and dozens of likes don’t change that.

Don’t go through life paying more attention to others than to yourself. Are you worried about what they might be thinking about trying to learn to surf on their own? Trust me, everyone lives entirely in their own world – they try to stay on the board or enjoy the waves, the sea and everything around them.

Focus on yourself and let the rest of the world go its own way.

Spending time alone allows you to get your projects off the ground

Do you only get the best ideas when you’re accompanied by others? It doesn’t have to be like that. When you are alone, you have the chance to imagine things in your very own way, because then there is no one to tell you that what you dream of is impossible. So you’re going to start making it come true.

collect ideas

You might think that creating an interesting project on your own would be impossible, but look at the lives of great inventors, sculptors, poets or business people. You developed the basic ideas for your projects all by yourself. Even if they later made improvements together with others, the idea stems from their imagination, which was able to work without external restrictions.

You will work with a sharper focus

Do you remember your homework I’m sure you’ll agree that group work has always been a little more complicated. Every idea had to be discussed before it could be put into practice, and there wasn’t always real collaboration. For the same reason that group work was like a marathon, spending time alone will make you more productive: because you have no distractions, you can focus fully on what you need to do.

I’m not just talking about work commitments, I’m talking about your hobbies and dreams. If you choose to spend time alone, you can freely focus on your own things.

You meet new people

How big is your circle of friends? Do you feel satisfied or do you think it could be better? It’s normal to let your friends’ opinions influence you.  Even if that makes you feel like you are part of something, it also restricts you.

Dancing in pairs or alone

If you don’t allow yourself to meet new people, you won’t open doors to new opportunities either. Spending time alone and outside of your comfort zone allows you to discover new doors.

You’re fighting depression

Spending time alone fighting depression? It is true. The reasons for depression often lie in our environment. And that’s why spending time alone can also be the most effective solution. If you feel like people around you are only hurting you, or you would prefer to be somewhere else, then it’s time to distance yourself from all of this.

This will help you put things in perspective and find out who is really relevant in your life. Plus, you can take advantage of all of the positive things I mentioned earlier.

Spending time alone listening to yourself

Over time, I’ve learned to spend time alone, and I’ve experienced all of these positive effects. It made it possible for me to discover that I am finally listening to myself and learning things about myself when I distance myself from everything foreign.

The best way to listen to your inner being telling you about your dreams and understand your needs without the outside hustle and bustle affecting you when you are alone.

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion

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