Sometimes You Can’t Be More Serious Than Laughing

Sometimes you can't be more serious than laughing

“In order to irritate representatives of any form of authority, children invest considerable energy and time in playing the clown. They don’t want to see the seriousness of our excessive worries, while at the same time we forget that if we were a little more like children , our worries wouldn’t be so excessive  . “

Conrad Hyers

Take a minute to think about how many times a day something or someone makes you laugh, or at least smile.

Now think about how long you haven’t really laughed in a while. From your deepest inside. A laugh that you can feel in your stomach and that you cannot keep.

On average, children laugh up to 400 times a day.

An adult only 15 to 20 times.

What happened on our way that we lost this ability?

Maturity and seriousness are often associated with one another. Laughing is thought to belong in childhood, which is why we subconsciously associate laughing with childish behavior and form thought patterns that lead us to eventually stop.

Children's laughter

In this way we arrive at the equation formalism = seriousness. And along the way, we lose our sense of humor, the sense of laughter, and the ability to be surprised by something.

The fear of not appearing serious or not professional makes us hide our laughter. But nothing could be further from reality. Because it’s one thing not to take anything seriously and quite another to have a sense of humor.

Paradoxically, laughter is the language of intellectuals. In the end, it’s humor that builds bridges. With humor it is possible to break with established forms that have been built up by a dogmatic society. He puts different glasses on us, a different way of seeing things.

We get a different point of view when we can appreciate all shades.

Learn to look at yourself from afar and don’t take yourself too seriously. Smiling puts the situation into perspective, which enables us to learn to see things from a different point of view.

Imagine a picture: if we come close to it to see it, then we cannot enjoy all of it, we cannot look at it in its entirety. We only see a part. It’s the same with problems. With the laugh we can see “the picture” from all perspectives.

Regain your sense of humor!

Be authentic!

A genuine sense of humor is the best way to control your emotions.

Laugh at the long faces, at the snooty people. Laugh at your stupidities, your insecurities, at your envy. It is enough now with the sad faces. There was plenty of drama, hardship, and pain. Laugh at your clumsiness, your mistakes. Who laughs, frees himself from a burden, lets himself be flown.

Have a laugh at what is contagious, what relieves you of stress and negativity.

Laugh left and right. And even more so when others look at you seriously. Let’s see if something sticks to them.

Laugh ball

Find someone smart who can make you laugh like two silly guys. The best relationships are built with a sense of humor. Laughing gives us a feeling of closeness and affection for the other person, and there is nothing funnier than laughing with a friend over something that only the two of you can understand. And be it with the risk of appearing like two idiots to the rest.

Appreciate the one who makes you laugh. And preferably with a full throat, because this brings you more good than any sedative or antidepressant.

You just have to take life with a sense of humor.
Remember that sometimes you can’t be more serious than laughing.

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