The Heart Needs Vitamins U, G And Z: Hugs, Kindness And Affection

The heart needs vitamins U, G, and Z: hugs, kindness, and affection

The heart needs nutrients, and while that may sound a bit strange, I know that my heart needs vitamins above all else. These are not ordinary vitamins, but vitamins U, G, and Z. That means I need hugs, kindness, and affection to survive.

I can’t imagine that from a human point of view there is anyone in the world who doesn’t need it too. Feelings that come over us feed on direct contact with others and fill us when there is love behind them. They are as necessary as the air to breathe.

Every kind of love always has these three vitamins as components. If you now think of one that does not contain this, then it is not love either, just something that resembles it, but will never fill you in its way as the true and shared feeling of love.

My vitamin U: immense hugs

Undoubtedly, one of the most important vitamins that every body needs is that vitamin U that we absorb through hugs. It is these hugs that put the broken pieces of our soul back together and help us start all over again so that we are never completely broken on anything. You know, it’s these hugs that make you feel like you’re no longer so alone or not so cold anymore, because they are with you and warm you.

“One of them smiled. The other one smiled too.
They did not dare to merge in an embrace in front of the people,
but in a single second they said a thousand things in silence. “

Ildefonso Falcones

These are the kinds of immoderate hugs I seek because those who are spontaneous and sometimes dumb are the most valuable. I’m sure neither you nor I want thoughtful or calculated hugs, as beautiful as they seem on the outside.


The nice thing about a hug is the feeling that it gives us because it is a vitamin that is very beneficial to health. For example, it improves our state of mind, increases the serotonin level in the body, relaxes muscles, lowers blood pressure, calms the nerves, etc.

My vitamin G: heartfelt goodness

Like the previous vitamin, vitamin G is also necessary – this vitamin that comes from kind people. When we surround ourselves with kind-hearted people, it means that we also treat others a little more kindly.

“Goodness has great power. Just as the sun melts ice, kindness removes misunderstandings, distrust and hostility. “

Albert Schweitzer

A kind person is pleasant and compassionate, helpful without expecting anything in return: simply a kind and generous person. Therefore, I – who seeks a bit of all of this in her life – quickly fall in love with all those who are compassionate and kind. They make me a better person and for this reason I admit that I love and appreciate them and am glad that they are part of my life. I always let them be my teachers, which is why I can grow a little every day.

My vitamin Z: honest affection

Ultimately, vitamins U and G are worthless if they don’t go hand in hand with a small dose of affection. Affection and tenderness are able to encourage courage in different ways: through a tender touch, through a smile, through words of hope, etc.

happy couple

The affection of our fellow human beings makes us happy and makes us feel loved. Therefore, my body cannot survive without it. This expression of affection and appreciation makes us feel special in this huge crowd, and it gives us enough vitality not to bury our heads in the sand during difficult times.

“True love is not that which forgives our weaknesses, but that which it does not know.”

Jacinto Benavente

Our personality drinks from a kind of fountain of youth when we are loved, because it makes us feel valued and trusted. This vitamin is a balm for self-esteem, both when we give love and when we are loved, because it is in the air that surrounds us.

For all of these reasons, you should never stop feeding your heart the right vitamins. Of course we need many other things to get ahead in life, but when the soul dies the rest of us are useless. So let’s try to get enough vitamins into our body so that this never happens.

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