The Message Of Our Dreams

The message of our dreams

The world of dreams opens up to us while we sleep.

When we sleep, we go through different stages and dream phases. First, the dream without Rapid Eye Movement (Non-REM) , which consists of four phases of increasing depth. In phases III and IV, slow-wave sleep (SWS) , also known as deep sleep, dominates.

Then sleep continues with the Rapid Eye Movement (REM)  , phase V, also known as “paradoxical sleep”. Daydreams and dreams already occur in this phase Usually there are 4 to 6 REM phases per night.

What does dream mean?

The dream is a process of dreaming. The dreams are the psychological expression of images, sounds, thoughts and feelings, usually symbolically connected with the reality of the dreaming person.

Dreaming is an involuntary mental process in which uncensored feelings arise that are related to our lived experiences. And in the dreams our information stored in the memory is processed anew.

The memories that last until after waking up can be minimal and imprecise.

It has been confirmed that dreams can be made in any phase of sleep, but dreams from the REM phase are more often remembered.


What do our dreams tell us?

For psychoanalysis it is important to distinguish two things: On the one hand, the unambiguous content of the dreams, that is, the story and the events in the dream and the symbols that appear; on the other hand, the subliminal content, i.e. the interpretation and meaning of the content.

Every dream has a meaning as it is always related to the feelings and symbols of present or past experiences.

Types of dreams

One possible type of dream are nightmares that trigger frightening feelings and that still affect us the following day. They are related to trauma, childhood neglect, stress, insecurity, dissatisfaction, health or relationship problems.

And there are healing dreams that are known from dream therapy. These are “lucid” or “lucid” dreams in which the person knows they are dreaming and guides the dreams to change negative feelings.

How do I know the meaning of my dreams?

There are many hypotheses and explanations for the symbols that appear in our dreams. Nevertheless it can be that they do not fit into the reality of the dreaming person, because one has to know the feelings of the person in order to understand the concrete meaning of the dream for this very person.

Therefore, if you want to find out the meaning, you should pay attention to the feelings this dream has triggered in you  and also observe whether it repeats itself frequently, which would indicate that there is something unresolved in you that can be worked on and must overcome mentally.

When the feelings are pleasant and positive, they show us the path we should take, the satisfaction to live the way we want, and they show us our longings, desires, our hopes and the projects we want to create .

Conversely, if the feelings we experience in the dream are uncomfortable, negative or painful, the meaning of this dream is important and instructive because it shows us a subconscious part of us that still needs to be resolved or overcome, such as trauma, fears, Worries etc.

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Where do our dreams come from?

Dreams activate subconscious content that can come from our earliest childhood.

Hence the importance of being able to interpret our dreams, since it is very useful information to learn how we feel deep down.

The next step is to become aware of our emotional blockages and to treat them with psychotherapy so that our negative feelings are released. If we can do that, it will show up in our dreams through more pleasant and positive feelings of overcoming, or simply through the permanent disappearance of the negative feelings in our dream experiences.

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