The Recipe For Happiness According To Dan Gilbert

The recipe for happiness may seem like a worn-out concept, but it’s still worth knowing about Dan Gilbert’s perspective. Because this social psychologist suggests simplifying our goal and thus identifying the will as the main element.
The recipe for happiness according to Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert is a psychologist, writer, and professor at Harvard University. He is famous for his book stumble on Happiness , has been translated into more than 30 languages. Another reason for his notoriety is that at many of his lectures and conferences he claims to have found the recipe for happiness.

At first glance, Gilbert’s statements may seem superficial. The “recipe for happiness” seems to be more of a self-help system. However, he is a psychologist who goes about his work precisely. He is convinced that there is a recipe for happiness. At the same time, however, he also knows that there are no shortcuts to get it.

Dan Gilbert explains that the first task is to know what makes us happy. He also says that we cannot and should not always be happy. If this state were everlasting, we would not know when we are happy and when we are not. Gilbert compares this to a compass that always points to the same place. But it also has to change.

Natural happiness is a state of mind that you build step by step every day

The science behind happiness

Dan Gilbert says it’s easier to be happy than people think. Happiness is not hidden somewhere, nor is it a treasure waiting to be found. It is neither the result of achieving set goals nor a matter of course that is associated with good luck.

Gilbert distinguishes synthetic happiness from natural happiness. Synthetic happiness is when we get something that we’re committed to, like a job, getting married, traveling, winning first place in a competition, getting a “like”, or something like that. He believes that this kind of happiness is only temporary and tied to a specific outcome.

On the other hand, there is natural happiness. This is not about a feeling, but about a state of mind that occurs in the first place. It is there whether or not you have just achieved a goal. You were born with it.

The recipe for happiness

The recipe for happiness needs two ingredients that everyone can get. The first is not to make the suffering greater than it is. Many people always remember the bad times they went through. You often think about it and fixate on it. Therefore, they oversize future suffering.

This first ingredient is linked to the second of the lucky recipe: trust in your resilience. It means that you can resolve any situation that is causing you pain. Your lack of confidence in yourself to get through the pain is what makes you suffer in the first place.

When you are paralyzed with pain, you stop or don’t even start doing the things that you would like to do. In a way, you are limiting yourself by expecting pain. Worst of all, this suffering has usually already happened. You are not afraid of the pain itself. Instead, you are afraid that you will not be able to endure it and overcome it.

Natural happiness is a state of mind that we are born with

The way to luck

The recipe for happiness is complemented by little things you can do every day to gain confidence in your resilience. The road to happiness includes five simple activities that anyone can do. Dan Gilbert explains that learning to be happy is like losing weight: all you have to do is do your part.

These five simple activities are:

  • Want to be happy. Happiness is a choice you make every day.
  • Take care of yourself. Eating healthy, exercising for half an hour a day and sleeping seven hours a day are the foundations of our happiness.
  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships. End relationships that make you feel bad and instead build better bonds with the people you love most.
  • Fun activities. Make a list of the things you love to do and prioritize them.
  • Be thankful. For yourself, for your life, and for anything that gives you, teaches you, or allows you to grow in any way. Helping others can also make you happier.
The recipe for happiness is complemented by little things you can do every day to gain confidence in your resilience

Natural happiness is a state of mind that you build step by step every day. The good news is that everyone can be happy. If you believe in it and motivate yourself, it gives you, in a way, the energy you need. Learning skills, like emotional intelligence, will make the transition easier. In a way, that’s the recipe for happiness: the will to enjoy life.

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