The Strongest Souls

The strongest souls

The strongest souls develop through suffering. These are souls who, despite all adversities and problems, have decided not to give up – they have become robust and resilient souls.

They are souls who have gone through a valley full of difficulties and complications. And they did that in a way that taught them new things.

They are souls who have passed through the depths of indolence and suffering and who have set sail on a sea of ​​fear. For this, however, they are also met with the ability to overcome and courage. And so strong, docile souls grew out of it.

Painting of a crying face

There are souls who threatened to get lost in the labyrinth of challenges. They were captured in a spider web and thrown in a prison for fear. Despite all this, they managed to find their way back home. And so they became brave souls.

These types of souls can be delicate, graceful and inspiring, because part of their strength lies precisely in the sensitivity of their gaze, in the grace of their actions and the inspiration deep within them.

Open wounds have turned these souls into scars. These remind them of all that they have lived through and survived. They are small witnesses to a past struggle. And through these scars they are reminded that they have matured and moved forward and they remind them that with strength and willpower anything is possible. The real art of life is not to eliminate as many personal problems as possible, but to grow with them.

And today those wounds have turned into scars. They are a sign of the ability of these souls to turn difficult situations into a sense of achievement and an achievement.

For this reason , every scar has a certain beauty in it. In it, you can discover personal stories, pain, fears and perhaps personal setbacks that have finally come to an end.

The writer and singer Marwan once said:

Scars are like punctures in our memory. They close unfinished, they heal us while it still hurts. Through them, time has found a way that we will never completely forget our past wounds.

Woman on a sand dune

And that is the reason why you can find them everywhere on a strong soul – just like courage and perseverance – similar to a protective shield. And it is love and kindness that work like good medicine, through which our wounds can heal.

The strongest souls grow out of suffering. Patient, persistent souls who find a smile in every tear, who are able to see the alternative to every problem and who discover an opportunity in every crisis.

They are great souls, but they can hardly be found, because their greatness lies in their ability to recover. This is what makes it so truly great and immeasurable – but at the same time so invisible.

It is the soul of a hero that has learned to see the light in the dark and the rainbow in the storm.

And when this soul got to the point where it became aware that it could not change the people around it, the circumstances and all the other things, it decided to change its attitude towards suffering. And so an insightful soul grew out of it.

They are souls who had an encounter with their deepest, inner selves on their way of life. They decided to meet themselves and become their best companion themselves. And so they became profound souls.

From these souls you can learn a lot of great lessons about the depths of hardship and adversity. At the same time, these souls will sow in you the desire to overcome them yourself and move forward. Because they have turned their painful memories into the gift of helping other people.

At the same time, they are learning souls. Everything bad serves as a way for them to grow and move forward and evolve in the face of the storm. Because they have discovered the ability to see everything they experience from a different perspective.

Four arms and pigeons

They are souls full of beauty, souls ready to help you when you are in need. Because no one could know better how overwhelming a feeling can become. They are intelligent souls.

The strongest souls grow out of suffering. And for this reason I want to thank them for their ability to recover even in the dead of winter. This makes them an example of the art of survival for us.

Thanks very much!

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