The Wonderful Message From Stephen Hawking For People Suffering From Depression

Stephen Hawking's wonderful message for people with depression

On January 7, 2016, Stephen Hawking, arguably one of the greatest geniuses of our time, held a conference at the Royal Society, the content of which was recently published on the Internet. Contrary to what many might think, the main theme of his part was neither the mystery of the big bang nor that of light or space. Hawking chose to speak to people who were suffering from depression or other emotional problems. The fact that Stephen Hawking had depression is less surprising than the way he handled it.

“It doesn’t matter how difficult life may seem to you, because you lose all hope if you can’t laugh at yourself and life in general.”

Stephen Hawking

His message is extremely valuable. Not only because it comes from one of the brightest minds of our time, but above all because he himself is the best example of it. He’s had a much more difficult life than average. But he never stopped pursuing his goals and dreams in his struggle. Because of this, Stephen Hawking has every right in the world to talk about sadness.

Excerpts from the life of Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born into a family that valued the value of knowledge. His father was a respected biologist. Stephen was the oldest child and had two sisters and an adoptive brother. He was a good student as a kid, but he was never one of the best. He graduated from Oxford with a degree in natural sciences, specializing in physics.

Young Stephen Hawking with his mother

At the age of 21, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS. It is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. He wanted to get married soon and the doctors only gave him two or three years to live. But contrary to all predictions, he is still alive today and is now 76 years old, even if he has lost more and more of his motor skills over time.

Despite everything, Hawking lived a happy and productive life. He has received 24 awards for his work. Including the Albert Einstein Medal and the Princess of Asturias Prize. His main contributions to physics have to do with updating the concept and describing the black holes.

Stephen Hawking: Depression and Black Holes

Life wasn’t easy for Stephen Hawking. He was forced to swim against the current because of his illness. The progressive decline in his motor skills has not prevented him from continuing his work, living his life and remaining true to his role as a great genius in the world of natural and human sciences. He always seems happy. He jokes and shows interest in the happiness of others.

The black hole

In his 2016 conference, he specifically addressed people suffering from depression. This scientist compared it to physics and said, “The message of this lecture is that black holes are not as black as expected. They are not, as was once assumed, prisons from which there is no longer any escape. It can escape from a black hole – either through it or on the way back, possibly even into another universe. So if you feel like you are trapped in a black hole, don’t give up – there is a way out. “

Undoubtedly he meant to say that one must never lose hope. His words encourage one not to give up because there is always a way out. That’s what he says, a person who has been confined to a wheelchair since his earliest youth and couldn’t live his life like others.

Some valuable advice

Stephen Hawking is a living example that it is not what happens that matters, but the attitude one chooses to deal with it. At the same conference he stated: “Despite the illness I suffer from, I have been very lucky in almost everything. I was very fortunate to be able to work on physical theory in a fascinating age and it is one of the few areas where my disability was not a disadvantage. “

Stephen Hawking and the Universe

The message is clear. He has learned not to concentrate on everything that was denied him in life, but on the opposite. He gets the maximum out of what he has, what he can do and what he can enjoy. Certainly he too was hopeless in many moments. The important thing is that he understood how to find a way out and to become the person he is today.

Hawking also spoke of the importance of accepting reality as it is. He stressed that it is not intelligent to let negative emotions guide you. These would only make things worse and prevent you from being happy with what you have. A great many people applauded after his speech. Now his words are ringing again and are sure to resonate with those in need of a message of courage.

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