There Are People In Whom We Encounter Nothing But Egoism, Where Others Have Hearts

There are people in whom we encounter nothing but selfishness, where others have hearts

Those who always act with bad intentions should be wished luck, because sooner or later they will need it. Malicious deeds are not free from punishment, even though we often believe that those people who are mostly selfish and self-righteous do not get the punishment for their meanness that they basically deserve.

But it is definitely not good for us to deceive ourselves, which is why we should know that the just punishment is seldom visible on the outside. The darkness that arises in the emotional world of a person who acts full of egoism and with bad intentions judges within himself.

A person who thinks only of himself and who only acts in his own interests, without considering others, will pay a high price for it. There is a very high probability that his life will be dominated by loneliness and rejection, and he may be wasting his potential to lead a fulfilling life.

Unfortunately, there are people who only feel good through reckless actions. These people only achieve that they are hated and feared by those around them, and as we know, it is incredibly painful to be forced to walk through life all alone.

As with everything else, egoism, mean and reckless behavior can be found in varying degrees. But what we can definitely say is that an inner life determined by negativity leads to a lack of inner peace, which in a person full of good feelings arouses compassion and sadness.


The theory of a just world is unfortunately a common misconception

When we don’t like someone, we don’t like someone or we think they are unjust, we always think immediately about the fate that will bring justice. But this only closes our eyes even more to imagine what we think is fair and what is intended as such, but what we cannot control.

Thinking about the fact that everyone will receive their just punishment makes us believe that all is well and that our happiness is not in danger, because bad things only happen to those who deserve it, because they have behaved wrongly or insensitively.

There are wicked people whom we want time to punish, which is why we pretend that the world is fair and that whatever good happens to them is just an illusion.

We like this idea and we need it to live in peace. Our minds make us believe that we need to be able to control everything, but the truth is that we can only influence part of our experiences.


Selfishness: the source of unhealthy relationships

There are people in whom we encounter nothing other than selfishness, where others have hearts. There are people who only think of themselves and are only guided by their own interests and who do not care about the feelings of their fellow human beings.

This creates an enormous discomfort, which is why we can say that egoism is the source of unhealthy relationships based on injustice and atrocious suffering.

We cannot control how others are, but we can manage to be affected as little as possible. To be prepared for negative things and to keep our eyes and ears open helps to avoid establishing a relationship with these people in the first place.

If we turn a blind eye to the fact that there are people who don’t make others feel good, then in the end we will just end up losing out on ourselves. Emotionally distancing ourselves and closely observing the actions of others enables us to foresee what people are up to with their malicious deeds rather than being targeted.

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