This Short Film Will Show You The Richness Of Uniting Our Differences

This short film will show you the richness of the union of our differences

I bring you light in your dark days. You bring calm to my stormy days. I give you smiles in moments of sadness. We are like day and night. Nevertheless, we always meet at sunset to unite our differences and send them into the horizon.

Today we present a wonderful short film from Pixar Animation Studios. An animated film that you should watch in the company of the little ones in your family, so that you can discover a wonderful, surprised smile, comfort and realization on their faces.

To be like day and night does not mean that our differences draw us to different poles. If we can open our minds and understand our hearts, then we will meet and learn from one another on a warm afternoon.

In a world where rules, fashion and tradition dictate how we should behave most of the time, there is nothing more authentic than knowing how to stay different, how to stand out with your qualities and thoughts, to empower yourself to to enrich yourself and others.

Nonetheless, it is clear that it is never easy to accept things that are different from us. And that’s exactly what the chosen Pixar film is all about. Because “day and night” are simply a reflection of these everyday opposites, which we should pay attention to from time to time.

When day and night combine their differences in a sunset


The day stretches out calmly in the face of the incoming morning. Everything is peaceful and the everyday process begins, this operation that creates life and fills the universe with light, activity and existence. Now the day stumbles sleepily through the picture with a strange and dark-looking figure …

Accepting that we are enriched by our differences is a challenge that has yet to be met. Even if this is something that can sometimes be achieved on a small scale, it is something that society has yet to learn.

The creature that sleeps so comfortably in this dark blanket is the night. Your way of life is very different from that of the day. How can we accept our differences? It’s complicated, if not impossible. They are two universes so different that all they can do is stare at each other with suspicion.

For evolutionary reasons, it is very difficult for people to accept things that are different from them. We consider them a threat. But don’t we also believe that we are very advanced?

Every day we subconsciously generate a lot of prejudice, many of which do not correspond to reality. We do this in order to have apparent control over everything around us and thereby to feel safe.

However, when something comes up that upsets this balance, the first thing we feel in the face of these obvious differences is fear. And behind the fear is rejection.

Our brains are used to making certain schemes about people and social groups. And then there are the negative thoughts that arise from unfortunate experiences: If someone of a certain nationality treats me badly, then I could assume that all people from this country behave in the same way. And if I was raised as a child who does not share any of my social or religious views, perceives as a threat, then I’ll certainly when I get older, a very limited view of the world and its rich values and diversities have .


We have to meet at sunset. It is vital that we understand that our differences are parts that together form knowledge. They enrich us as people and let us discover that we are not as different as we might think.

You have to dream during the day. You have to dream at night. Every day of your life you have to enjoy what we have in common and discover that sometimes our differences are nothing more than a blurry line at sunset.

We have to stop polarizing things so much. Nothing is completely white or black. No day will ever beat the night. And no night will ever last past dawn.

Life is a cycle in which we all move forward a little at any time. And everything becomes easier when we act with respect and care for the people around us. It is possible that they can show us a fantastic world that we do not even imagine.

Maybe they can even give you some light in dark days. And maybe even let us love the differences that separate us. Do not hesitate and enjoy this little audiovisual delicacy …

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