Time Makes Us Responsible For Our Actions On

Time makes us responsible for what we do

We are all free in our actions, but we are not free from responsibility for its consequences. The gestures, words and actions that we make always have an effect. And even if we don’t see that at first, time is a wise judge. Even if it doesn’t give an immediate guilty verdict, it seems like people mostly end up getting what they deserve.

Acclaimed psychologist and scientist Howard Gardner recently surprised the world by saying that a bad person can never be among the best. He affirms that someone guided only by his own interests can never achieve excellence. This reality seems to be reflected in the mirror of time.

Everyone reaps what he sows, and while many are free from their actions, they are not free from their consequences. Because sooner or later the judge called time will give them what they deserve.

It is important to remember that even small things, such as a questioning tone, excessive use of jokes, or sarcasm, can have serious consequences in the other person’s emotional world. Not being able to take responsibility for these acts is a sign of a lack of maturity that sooner or later will have consequences.


Time is a wise judge

Here’s an example: Imagine a parent who raises their child with severity and a lack of affection. We know that this kind of upbringing has consequences, but the worst part is that the father or mother hopes that upbringing will produce a strong person who will behave in a certain way. However, the child will probably never do justice to this, remain unhappy, lack self-confidence and be afraid.

The consequences of upbringing become apparent years later: the child will distance itself from its parents, even if they may never understand why. This is because people who hurt often do not feel responsible for their actions, lack emotional closeness, and prefer to blame others like “My children are ungrateful”   or, “My children love me not.

It is important to be aware that every act, no matter how small, has its consequences and that you must take full responsibility for them. Being responsible for one’s actions also means having an obligation to respond to others. Human maturity begins with taking responsibility for every word you say, every deed you do. This is how you can make the world a better place for you and for everyone around you.

flying couple

Taking responsibility takes courage

Loneliness is just a consequence of a bad past decision. It is a good way to discover that we are all connected by a very fine thread that a small disturbance can cause a knot to form or the whole thread and all of its ties to break.

Try to let your actions speak louder than your words, and let your responsibility be the reflection of your soul. To do this, try to always have positive thoughts. Time will treat you as you deserve.

Remember that we all have our own life experiences and that responsibility is a way of enhancing your life and that of other people.


We invite you to put this act of courage into action by following these principles:

  • The first step towards responsibility is to stop withdrawing and taking the blame for everything that happens externally, tailored to your needs.
  • Take a good look at what you are thinking, what you are saying and not saying, and what you are doing. You create your own type of language that affects others and their emotions. You have to be able to sense what the other person is feeling and develop empathy for them.
  • Foresee the consequences of your own actions and be your own judge. We don’t mean that you should lapse into some kind of “self-control” in which you become your own hangman before you even say or do anything. Try to anticipate the effect a certain action will have on yourself and others.
  • Being responsible also means understanding that you are not immune to outside influences. People who do not set limits to their actions, wishes or needs will sooner or later experience the consequences. The saying “My freedom ends where yours begins ” expresses this very idea. However, you should also promote the freedom and growth of others so that you nourish mutual benefit.

The steps mentioned are suitable for adults and also for children. By taking these steps, you can teach children that their actions have consequences.

It is definitely worth a try.


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