Today I Go Out Into Life And Enjoy All The Beautiful Things That Are Waiting For Me

Today I go out into life and enjoy all the beauty that awaits me

I made a decision that I can, should be happy and that I deserve it. Today I put on new shoes and new motivation to allow life to make my hair stand on end because I laugh, dance and embrace life so much. Because all the beautiful things mess up the hair and mess up the soul and I think that now is the time to regain this forgotten feeling.

We all go through times in our lives in which we suddenly say: “Enough!”  The mental exhaustion or the pressure from our surroundings are becoming more and more difficult for us and each and every one of the scales of these fins that we used to be delighted to swim freely through our personal oceans has been affected. But   saying “It’s enough!” Is not always enough to create the desired change.

“We should do the ordinary things with an extraordinary love.”

mother Teresa

Sentences like “I deserve the best” , “it is time to give myself priority”,  or  “I have the right to be happy”  resemble these sayings that we always say to ourselves but that don’t to verify. Even if we suspect that life around another corner has something beautiful in store for us, it is by no means easy to take a step towards the extraordinary, especially when our minds stiffened on holding on to the known, the predictable.

The change to the extraordinary happens when we want that. We don’t have to ask for a change or wait for a falling star to make a wish. A happier life only needs one thing: a happier mind.


The exhausted mind and the closed windows

Have you ever wondered how many thoughts run through our heads during the day? Neurologists love these kinds of questions, which is why it didn’t take long to give us an answer: It’s roughly 50,000. However, it should not be left unsaid that almost 80% of these thoughts are absolutely useless. Most of them repeat themselves, come almost automatically and even besiege our minds.

The exhausted mind is basically the echo of an unhappy mind. This train full of exhausting thoughts travels along tracks and stops at stations such as, “If I had done that , ” “If others would let me,”   or, “I am incapable.”  Sometimes the mind blames those in these senseless and uncomfortable ways that surround us in all these unfortunate situations. Thereby we weaken this exhausted, this scattered and incapable of action mind even more.

Closing the windows of our mind in this way means that we only hear the echoes of that ghostly noise. This noise that brings fear, indecision and despair with it. A good idea to get in touch with the beauty that life has to offer has to do with an open mindset that allows two wonderful processes to become part of our minds: relaxation and recreation.


I am convinced that recycling is important to you if you have decided that you want to take better care of the environment and our planet. We have to deal with our minds in the same way: A large part of our thoughts are of no use to us and are harmful. Instead of accumulating more and more of these useless thoughts, we should try to recycle them. So there is nothing like turning an “I can’t”  into an “I deserve the opportunity to try”   .

We not only recycle our thoughts and create new ones, but also create a healthy mind. New perspectives, resolutions and attitudes create, strengthen or weaken connections between the neurons that work in our brain. New thoughts lead to new and wonderful feelings to bid farewell to this exhausted mind with its closed windows.

The beautiful thing in life: the ability to accept new perspectives

To understand the magic of our mind and our feelings, I suggest you do a little experiment. Pick up a photo or book that shows a beautiful landscape. Now approach the picture with your nose and touch it with her. If we try to direct all of our attention to what we see, all we achieve is that we see a cramped spot without noticing what is around.

Our exhausted minds work the same way. What we perceive from this perspective is not exactly enriching. But when we move away, a world of possibilities and inspiring beauties gradually opens up for us. Removing ourselves from many of the things that surround us is a positive thing. This gives us the opportunity to become aware of the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, has so much power over us to make us slaves.


How we can perceive the beautiful in life

The University of California (California, USA) conducted an interesting research on happiness that is very helpful and enlightening. The study concluded with the publication of the book Train your brain to get happy . This book explains how our thoughts create changes in “our gray cells” to build a unique emotional framework that brings balance and wellbeing.

  • In order to be more open to the possibilities in our areas of life, it is not enough that we just say to ourselves, “ I will go out and find my happiness.”  Before we can accept new thoughts, we must first banish old ones.
  • Asking ourselves questions every now and then forces us to reflect on those questions and discover ways and means to find an answer to them. A bad question is like a vacuum cleaner picking up what it doesn’t need and what harms it. For example, instead of saying, “I want to be happy,”  it is better to ask ourselves, “What is preventing me from being happy?”  Once we have asked ourselves the question, we need to think about it.
  • There are also other aspects that we should be aware of. A person who really wants to be happy neither compares himself with others, nor does he speak in conditional sentences (“if I had that”, “if I were like …”, “if others would only notice that …”, etc. ).

Use the present to formulate sentences, stay true to your resolutions and don’t measure your abilities against those of others. Develop inspiring, empowering, and creative thoughts. Above all, remember that only an open mind sees the extraordinary where others see only the ordinary.

Images courtesy of Marie Desbons and Milla Marquis

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