Trapped In The Web Of Habits – Are We Missing Out On Our Chances?

Habits are not a bad thing. What is bad, however, is getting caught up in the web of habits and getting stuck there. When this happens, you can become numb, both emotionally and intellectually. You can also become anxious and learn to ignore the multiple opportunities for growth and change.
Trapped in the web of habits - are we missing out on our opportunities?

The web of habits is a trap. This means that habits have very subtle threads that support you at first, but then trap you and limit your movements. Of course, over time you’ve learned to offset the damage they’ve done you along with the benefits they’ve brought into your life. As a result, you stayed in this mode indefinitely.

The human brain is a fabulous organ that was primarily designed to create. Because creation is essentially the path that intelligence takes to solve problems. Mental abilities and the emotional world are maximal in the face of difficulties.

Habits are one way of defining our scope of experience. One of the main functions of the routine is to reduce the range of the daily difficulties we face. This keeps us from thinking and feeling great and we are driven by indolence.

It’s good that we don’t have to think about everything we do. However, when we get to the point where we have already decided everything, we will first get bored and then fall into depression.

As we mentioned earlier, our brains are designed for problem solving and novelty. Hence, avoiding them leads to intellectual and emotional consequences. But how do you know if you are a slave to your habits? Read on below to learn more about it.

You spend more time on what’s urgent than on what’s important

When caught in the web of habits, you can feel uncomfortable.

The word “urgent” indicates duty. Habits often lead us to fill our lives with duties, but it is almost always about meeting the needs of others rather than our own. Duty forces us to act and it comes in many ways: work, academic, family, emotional, ideological obligations, etc.

The most important thing is to find out what really determines the well-being and satisfaction of your life. For example, spending time with those we love. Or think about anything that bothers you and try to find out why, because you rarely take the time to do it.

You often think that you should be content with what is already there

When caught in the web of habits , you can feel uncomfortable. You can get annoyed with the routine, although it allows you to plan and organize everything.

Even so, you make sure to silence the voice that is telling you something is wrong. Often you end up saying to yourself, “It is what it is.” And for this reason you have to accept it and deal with it. You alone are fueling that conformism and, most likely, ideas and premises (like “it’s what an adult would do”) that are not always as reasonable as they seem.

The web of habits and your fear of taking risks

One of the most harmful side effects of habits is that they gradually make you anxious. You are afraid of everything unknown or of anything that implies a challenge, change or novelty without even realizing it.

Everything will be automatic. Every time you are faced with a new situation, your alarm bells will ring as if there is a threat. You do not approach change with enthusiasm and curiosity, but with vigilance and fear. You also lose your openness to new experiences.

You postpone things indefinitely because of your inability to get out of the web of habits

There are times when you long for something different, even when you’re caught in a web of habits. Maybe you think that if you did this or that, you would go further or feel alive. If only you dared to take up or do a new activity.

The problem is, you almost always put your dreams and projects aside. You are always waiting for more favorable conditions or for an opportunity to arise or for certain conditions to arise, etc. However, the most likely dreams and desires will end up being sidelined forever.

The lack of interest prevails

Boredom is one of the clearest signs that you are trapped in a web of habits.  It expresses itself as a feeling of disinterest in everything.

Boredom is one of the clearest signs that you are trapped in a web of habits. It expresses itself as a feeling of disinterest in everything. Besides, nothing excites you enough and you are not passionately interested in anything.

You are no longer vivacious and your flat emotions predominate. Without being fully aware of it, you began to live as if you were just “getting your time”. In the end, you assume this state as if it were normal and logical when it is not.

Habit is a very powerful force. It is not in itself negative as it will add to your overall stability. But it becomes a web that catches you and suffocates you when it takes over your life. Don’t give in. Instead, make small changes and, for example, take a different route or eat something different. These are small but great ways to get out of this web.

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