Which Partner Suits Your Personality Best?

Which partner suits your personality best?

There are so many people out there who are dissatisfied because they have experienced so many disappointments in love. They do not want to start a new relationship because of bad experiences in the past, because they fear that unpleasant things could happen again. They are afraid of this because they can not find the answer to the question that often crosses their minds about love: which partner suits my personality?

When we fall in love, we become vulnerable people and are undoubtedly more vulnerable to disappointment, lies, and betrayal. But shouldn’t we fall in love because of this, so that we don’t have to suffer anymore? Of course not. When we are in love, we perceive life much more intensely, and love is always worth finding at any age.

Nevertheless, we should strive to lead a balanced and mature partnership without neglecting our self-esteem. But how do we do it? Is there a secret recipe for finding the ideal partner who best suits us? Can the question of the partner who best suits your personality be answered?

When it comes to love, there is no secret recipe or advice that helps us all equally. Each and every one of us has had our own experiences and we all have undoubtedly learned from them what we want from life and what we don’t. But we cannot and do not want to completely ignore what specialists advise us in this area. Anthropologists and biologists, like the well-known Helen Fisher, are convinced that personality is crucial in the search for the ideal partner.

Helen Fisher put forward the interesting theory that there were different personality types for which there was the perfect counterpart. Would you like to know which personalities are involved, with whom you can identify and who therefore suits you?

Couple has fun in the sea

1. Explorers and explorers

The first combination of well-matched personalities sticks to the motto “like and like join together”. Both have characteristics that Helen Fisher summarizes in the profile of the “Explorer”. But what exactly is a discoverer?

I am convinced that you will immediately recognize this personality type in someone:

  • The explorer is a person who is looking for adventure, loves risk and wants to live emotions.
  • He is very spontaneous, full of energy and can never sit still.
  • This is an optimist who sometimes thinks almost too optimistically.
  • He loves to be the center of the action.
  • He is not very fond of promises and prefers relationships where there are few obligations or commitments.

As you may already guess, someone with this personality can only be happy in a relationship with someone who shares their interests.

For example, if you are looking for stability and commitment in a partnership, a relationship with such a personality is not advisable.

2. Builders and builders

Here, too, we can again see that similar personalities go well with one another. What distinguishes the “master builder”?

  • He attaches great importance to tradition, security and loyalty.
  • Family values ​​and a close relationship with the environment are important to him.
  • He is less spontaneous and not primarily looking for intense feelings. He prefers the routine because nothing unforeseen can occur there.
  • Above all, he is interested in building a family.

Living with this person is definitely no picnic if you are not also a lover of routine and security, in which there is no room for spontaneity. And even if we don’t want children, for example, we probably don’t fit this personality type very well.

3. Director and agent

In this case, it is a connection between two different characters – two personalities who appear very different at first glance, but which complement each other ideally and are therefore very suitable for a successful relationship. Make yourself a picture of them:

– intermediary:

  • The mediator acts intuitively.
  • He is sensitive and feels comfortable in the role of the observer. He can read between the lines and is very compassionate.
  • He can interpret feelings, but is also very emotional himself.
  • He wants to be noticed and understood.
  • This is a dreamer and a person who has a great imagination.

– Director:

  • It is a logical and objective thinker.
  • It’s a very confident person, a perfectionist with leadership skills.
  • He is both an analyst and a practitioner.
  • He’s a very honest person who doesn’t mince his words and is not afraid to speak the truth.
  • It is a bit demanding at times.

As you may have noticed, the combination of these personalities resembles a puzzle that can be summarized as follows: intuition plus objectivity, sensitivity plus practical disposition.

These are common personality types as defined by Helen Fisher. You may well not be able to identify with any of these profiles. Or maybe their theory applies to you exactly. If you want to dig deeper into the subject, we recommend reading the accompanying book.

Regardless of what you think of Helen Fisher’s hypotheses, they should serve as food for thought, show you how important the personality of the partner is for a lasting relationship. And in no case should you forget what the cornerstones of all working partnerships are : Understanding, respect, communication and common goals.

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