Why Does Love Have An Expiration Date Now?

Why does love now have an expiration date?

My grandparents often tell me with one crying and one laughing eye that love is not easy these days. We live in a time that is determined by delivery services, everything has to happen immediately, investments are uncertain and asking for time is nothing short of horror. And it even seems as if we don’t have to go through a few years before we experience a lot, many changes in our lives that we went through at lightning speed and for which we really didn’t have time to get to know them.

Relatively young couples who stay together for many years are now an endangered species. Young people say that you have to have a couple of relationships before you can find love for life. But what young people don’t know is that we develop more and more manias and that it doesn’t get easier to find a partner the older we get.

As we age, not only do we get more wrinkles, but we also become narrow-minded and don’t have as much patience. We may well become more patient with unconditional love, such as the one we feel for our family, for example, but we become more impatient with love that is not yet and comes late in our lives. Because every kind of trust needs “freedom” and affection.

“Love is the space and the time that are weighed by the heart.”

Marcel Proust


Dark circles are not exactly attractive

With a few exceptions, the statistics say that a young person has to work long hours if he wants to move out of his home and just want to pay for his living expenses, as independence comes with. With low hourly wages and high costs for rent, electricity and heating – what is left for a vacation?

So worries get bigger, sleep gets less and the time we have for social relationships is wasted with voice and text messages that we send on our smartphones. This can go well for a while, at least in the beginning, until at some point two people wake up in the same bed next to each other, but like two strangers do not share anything except the same hope and the same aversion.

We are getting older, but we are only attractive for a few years. We can use botox, but that doesn’t bring our joy back either. This joy that puts a smile on our faces and that positively influences our generosity, which in turn makes others smile. We post a picture of ourselves on the Internet and yet we live with someone else who once resembled it. Because if we’re honest, we have to admit that we already duped friends and strangers with our picture when we put it online.


To love in difficult times

So love is a struggle for survival because it has to keep up with the fast moving times. It suffers from the new communication media, because an “ILD” with an emoji behind it will never be the same as an out loud “I love you” with a beautiful sound   and a look. A walk through the park with a few fruits in hand and thoughts that we let fly will never be the same as having dinner together on Skype while praying that the connection will not be broken.

When the way in which we take care of love gets worse and worse, it is normal for love to become more fragile, to endure less and to quickly reach its limits.

We give up too soon because we predict the other will too. We pack our bags before we’ve ended the relationship because we don’t have the strength to wait for a promise that won’t come true. We are more aware than ever of the fragility of love and the consequences of separation.

We don’t give ourselves the opportunity to give ourselves a second chance because we can’t afford to have our routine destroyed one day if the attempt fails. Something that hits us so much, although there is a lot that hurts us less, we do not want to have in our life.

Reality has become too unstable to trust that an unknown attractive person has birthmarks on his body that we will all know by heart one day.

Loving nowadays is very complicated. The challenges are bigger than they used to be, no matter how much lovers turn a blind eye to imagining themselves alone or caressing in public would be a reason for being censored. We killed a monster to create an even more powerful and terrifying one. In this way we may have developed in many areas of life, but today is more difficult for love than any other.

A second chance for love isn’t an option for every couple

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