You Can Find Happiness Wherever You Want

You can find happiness wherever you want

This intoxicating state of pure joy in certain situations is the epitome of happiness. Everyone wants to be happy, reveal the secret of happiness and stay happy as long as possible. If we could we humans would try to be happy all the time, but that is nothing more than an unrealistic idealization of happiness without a solid foundation. Happiness is not a particular emotional state, but a way of life.

There are people who in the course of their lives have often reached low points in their soul and are still happy. Others, on the other hand, have always been privileged, have almost everything and still say of themselves that they are not happy.

Clearly, it is not the situation, circumstances, or life itself that determine whether we feel more or less happy. Happiness does not come with just any success, with a partner, a child or a house right on the beach. We become happy when we have a well-established value system, concentrate on the moment in the present, love ourselves unconditionally and appreciate what we have.

All of the points listed go hand in hand. So if we work to change our philosophy of life, which may consist largely of ailments, and we look forward to life positively, we will understand that we can find happiness exactly where we want.

You don’t find happiness, you create it

We don’t have to look for happiness because there is nowhere to look. This means that happiness is not to be found out there, as we are often led to believe. If so, there would be two types of people: those who lead enviable lives and are happy, and those who lack everything and are unhappy. But the truth is that it is not, and often the opposite is the case, and the people who have the least are not infrequently the happiest.

I don’t like generalizations, but it happens more often that people who have got used to living with less also need less at the same time. The result is that they focus more on the little joys in life than on other things that are fleeting.

They value things a lot more and are therefore more happy about little things than those people who cannot appreciate what they have.

It is for this reason that mental perfection is born within a person. It’s not about believing that we will be happy when we get something that we think we need. If you are not happy with what you have, it will only be very difficult for you to get what you want.

How can I become a happier person?

The first step you have to take to feel happier is precisely not to seek that happiness. When we ask ourselves to be happy and fail to do so, we become frustrated, and frustration is not synonymous with happiness. Insisting on wanting to be happy also fills us with fear and disappointment, making this “search” a struggle.

We can never be happy when we put pressure on ourselves. Happiness is a state of mental flow, acceptance and the fact of living in the moment.

To be happy, you have to say goodbye to absolutist needs. The fact is that we don’t need much to be really well: food and water, a roof over our heads, physical exercise to avoid getting sick, a goal that motivates us and gives us a reason to get up, Sleep, oxygen and just a little more.

Anything else that we think we need may just make us even more miserable. This is not to say that we don’t find happiness in fulfilling our dreams, but it shouldn’t be material needs that we pursue.

The belief that we must have something, no matter what the cost, makes us fearful beings, and when we finally get the object of our desire and one day lose it again, we are depressed because we find that there is nothing in this life lasts forever.

To be happier, we should focus on the present. Nothing exists or is real if we do not perceive it right now and with our five senses. The mindfulness technique can teach us a lot about this.

Reconsider your value system, don’t focus too much on work, looking for a partner, money or success. If you die one day, you will not remember it. But what you will remember are the moments you lived with your friends, your family, a coffee shop that you drank in the afternoon while the sea rushed in front of you, or your dreaming dog while you were reading a good book.

You should prioritize love: love for yourself, for life, and for others. When you are able to love the little things, the human and the simple, you will find happiness. Do you want to start today?

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