You Don’t Have To Lose Something To Appreciate It

You don't have to lose something to appreciate it

You should now realize how happy this one person makes you. You should now realize how much you laugh when you are together. You should now realize how much this person enriches you. You should now realize what you have got. Don’t expect more, because tomorrow it may be too late. You should now realize that you don’t have to lose something to learn to appreciate it.

The present is the only moment we are sure to have to enjoy, and therefore you shouldn’t wait any longer to be grateful for what you have, to enjoy every moment to the fullest, to make the most of the time to use. You shouldn’t take the risk of postponing all of this until tomorrow or you may be punished for it.

It is up to you to see what is around you now, to appreciate and enjoy it, because unfortunately I have to tell you that the people you love will one day leave, friends at some point will no longer be friends, your children at some point will lead their own life, at some point you will no longer have your job, your vacation will come to an end – and these are just facts. Therefore, you should take the reins in your own hands and value everything you have. Make sure that what you have today will stay in your memory forever, and don’t wait until you lose it to see how important it was to you.

Don’t wait until you lose something to appreciate it.

Be sure to kiss what you would like to kiss

This is where the magic of happiness lies hidden. We don’t need large possessions, we just need to be aware of what we have today, here and now. Maybe tomorrow you will get the opportunity to do the same thing as we do today, with the same people and the same joy, but that is not an argument that you shouldn’t do it today.

“If someone values ​​what they have, it only becomes more valuable.”

Jorge Bucay

Couple kisses and drinks coffee together

Fall asleep daily with the sweet taste the day left on your lips. Feel this feeling of peace because you used the time and enjoyed life. That way, you don’t have to lose anything to appreciate its real worth, because there is nothing better than simply enjoying it and savoring it to the full.

Kisses that you can give away today shouldn’t be kept to yourself. Tell the people you value 1001 times that you love them. Give your loved ones valuable time. Love like there’s no tomorrow and enjoy all that you can do today, not sometime, but now. Enjoy it and feel free to do so, because the value judgment of others has nothing to do with you, no matter how often they use your name to make it the subject of their sentences.

“We have to value what we have and take care of what we choose.”

Jorge Bucay

Appreciate all that you can be thankful for today

Because we turn the pages of our calendar thinking that the circumstances surrounding us are everlasting, because we don’t realize the moment is passing, or because we believe that tomorrow we will still have what we have today, we are missing out on the opportunity to think about what is really important and also about the importance of the little things and the people who accompany us every day.

We lose it and let it go by because we believe we can rule time and it would be on our side, but it is not. It’s weird, but we say goodbye to something every day and rarely do we stop and think about what that means. We cover the pain that might be triggered by thinking with routine and hectic pace. It is not the right moment. Actually, there is never the right moment. Very rarely do we accept reality as it arrives at us, although we suffer within ourselves when we feel the cruel consequences.

Woman looks up towards the sun with her eyes closed

We should recognize what we have for a very simple reason: recognizing the value of something enables us to enjoy it, let memories become of it, and write a life story that we like: our own. In truth, it’s the little things that have the power to make us big.

We should never forget that we don’t have to lose something to appreciate it.

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